
member since 2013

Recent Reviews2 total

Green Wheels Delivery

Just got a call from the new manger, very very pleased after our conversation. Cant wait to order from these guys again. Unfortunately I got a OZ on Saturday from another place I found on Leafly, only because they had "Purple Diesel" one of my favorite strains, but the potency of this batch wasn't up to par with my expectations. I'm super excited though, it is a real struggle to find a good place with good drivers, great meds and quality customer service, but Green Wheels has all of the above, plus they have one thing no one else has.....(Drumroll) Scooby Snacks!!!!!

Curaleaf - Phoenix Airport

I've been here several times. But the prices are crazy $340 for an oz?? And recently they say they lowered prices but really they didn't. Papaya used to be cheaper, but because it was getting popular its now the most expensive. Also the reason for my bad review is I ordered a oz and it came in separate packages (8ths) but when I got home and threw it on the scale, all expect 1 was short by at least half a gram. I told the staff how unhappy i was. And all they did was give me a free pre-roll.( And now pre-rolls aren't even labeled the same, they used to say .8 now they aren't labeled with a weight at all, and if you've been there before the change you can tell the pre-rolls aren't as fat anymore) This place is just a front, I've literally seen them bring out meds to display for patients, and the display was labeled wrong. Let me explain. So im at the counter reviewing the meds and I ask "is this strain indica or sativa ." he says sativa, then 10 secs later a guy comes in with the same stain in a display case, puts it at another station, and the guy helping me ask him, "why is that labeled indica?" the guy responds by simply laughing, shrugs his shoulders and says "hell, I dont know". I was shocked, but not that surprised. My very first visit should have been my last, because when I first saw them in new times I called and asked how this all worked because at the time I had just got my card. The guy on the phone said just come down with your MMJ card, so I did. I traveled all the way from Mesa, only to get there and find out I needed my State ID as well, so I had to go all the way back home, and the guy that misinformed me acted like he didnt even care that I just spent 1hr+ on public transportation. Moral of this story/review is go with your gut. I've been smoking for years due to doctor prescribed meds making me so nauseated that I couldnt eat or hold down any food after I took a pill. And so I know about what it was like to buy MMJ before it was legal, and I must say the prices at Bloom are higher than other sources, yet there is no middle man for Bloom and they are selling Pounds a day. $340 an oz times 16 =$ 5,440.00 A day!!! And you mean to tell me you have sooo much overhead that you have to overcharge your patients? How can this be when Bloom grows their own product. And I've asked them why Colorado has $25 8ths and Bloom is still charging $45-$50? Their response was " Colorado has been doing it longer, we will eventually get there in a few years". But how does that even make sense, in a few years what will have changed? Bloom will still be growing their own product with no middle man. The way I see it, they want to make as much money as they can now, and then when their pockets get fat enough they will lower the prices, but for now Bloom and many other dispenseries are just overcharging while legit patients have to literally pay the price. I recommend that everyone do a little research and find a better place than Bloom. The meds here smoke ok. The pre-rolls are shake so its not that potent. And like I've already said the staff is a joke, and the prices are not reasonable at all. -D.Clark