
member since 2015

Recent Reviews4 total

Critical Mass

Not a good one for my diabetes. It sedates me to the point of barely being able to make it to a bed, so if my blood sugar is off, it will still be off (and dangerous) once I fall asleep. I have only used it a few times because of this concern. So what I do now, is not use it if my blood sugar is trending downward. Every time I smoked or vaped it, or bonged, I fell into deep and relaxing sleep for 2 hours. But - only when my blood sugar had been at the high end of the normal range for a while, otherwise I don't take a chance of having a low during sleep. I suspect the symptoms of a low would not wake me up. Diabetics will know what I'm talking about. If I wanted to fall asleep easier, I would certainly want a gentler strain. This one just knocks me off my feet, even with tiny doses in my vaporizer. All I'm looking for is pain relief, without drowsiness or mood effects, so this is not a good one for me. It would be great for someone looking for a brief and deep sleep, though, like right before bed.

Jack Herer

Not bad, but not a favourite. Seems great, reduces pain moderately, and calms me down for a few hours but then usually I realize I've got no determination, no will to keep working at projects. In my opinion, not a good daytime pain reliever if you have to get work done. If I smoke a bit more frequently, my attention span is better, but when I do that, I have problems with shakiness during days off. Usually at some point, for several hours, I won't be able to sit still at the computer to work, or even watch TV or movies. Kinda feel sleepy or sedated, and the pain relief isn't 100% so I think this is not a great strain for me. I have a lot of pain normally - orthopaedic injuries - and some other strains (Kandy Kush) work much better for the variety of pains, and don't have a potential wishy-washy, sedative effect that JH does for me. Not the best strain for me, for pain relief and alertness that I need. However, at some points, I also just feel mellow and care-free, and could probably enjoy this strain while socializing. I'm getting used to the strange dizzy and weak feelings and they don't last long. It was just frustrating because other strains aren't available here that don't cause those unwanted effects for me.

White Widow

It's mellow, but I use weed for pain relief and it didn't work super great for me. Pain relief wore off after about 6 hours, and it only reduced pain by about 50%. Better than nothing, but still not as great as Kandy Kush for me. Often gives me heart flutters and feeling of adrenaline rush in legs, about 3 hours later. So far can't figure out why it happens sometimes and not others. I notice that immediately watching comedies and laughing, or starting a short intense yoga session curbs those symptoms. It reduces mental stamina for me. I don't stay focused, working at my computer on projects I know I really look forward to ordinarily. Energy and ambition seems reduced. Also sometimes I notice it lets my old habit of repeating (and distracting) thoughts go on and on in my head. I thought I had kicked that habit. Remember, I'm looking for medical improvement for pain, so I don't like it because I can't get high-quality work done, and it gives a throbbing-chest kind of feeling hours later, with no useful high or anything cool. I'd at least like to get a giggly high if I'm not going to be able to work anyway! It could be useful for party times though, as long as the heart and adrenaline-like effects aren't bothersome. I'm already using super tiny amounts in a bong, vape, and glass pipe so I can't really use less. I seem to be getting MORE sensitive to the unpleasant 'side effects' over time, so it's not the right strain for me.

Kandy Kush

It suited my medical needs perfectly. I'm already pretty optimistic and energetic when there's a project on the go and this solved my pain every time so I could sit down and work or study. Studying went smoothly, better than I'm used to. I think it took daydreaming and recurrent (& unnecessary) thoughts out of the picture, and I believe I have ADHD and PTSD from an accident. I had been nervous to leave the house and go into relevant neighbourhoods, but while using Kandy Kush I felt anxious only when there was a need to - like when crossing the street, not the whole walk to the crosswalk. I also noticed that my eczema and zit scars lightened up a lot, plus my gums tightened up around one tooth where the dental hygienist said my gums were flared away. I have never been able to treat those two things medically so I'm grateful to Kandy Kush.