
member since 2023

Recent Reviews1 total

White 99

First time smoking again in 17 years, so that's my frame of reference. Bought a 3-4 hit chillum and eighth from a local shop. Got home, ground and packed the flour into the bowl, then took my goodie tray out to the garage on a blustery 28 degree night. Lit her up easy since I knew this was going to be a memorable one, and laid back waiting for it to hit -- maybe a creeper this one. Since I took only little hit, and it had been a couple minutes figured why not go for another medium sized puff? Well let me tell you boy, that second one sure hit. After thirty seconds post-exhale I'm noticing a slight vasovagal faintness, and my skin started to lite on fire XD. So I take off my smoking robe, sweater and shirt as the fire seemed to wash over me. About a minute and a half post-exhale I'm feeling the fires recede, and I have intense tingling head to foot (like water beads sizzling on a hot pan), but most noticeably over my upper body and torso. As I focused on the tingling, I laid my head against the back of my palm and noticed the contact point between my head and hand is numb. As I focus on my breathing, the back of my throat is numb, as is the back of my tongue. Definitely an upper, I'm writing this about twenty-minutes post puff puff. High - bright and thoughtful, accompanied by a little self-awareness that questions if what you're doing makes sense, with of course the numbness and tingly sensation. Taste -- lemony, in the acidic way, along with hints of pepper and earth. Since you have the numbing effect, I would toss in some menthol undertones. Strength -- THCa 26.86%, Total THC 23.97%