
member since 2018

Recent Reviews1 total

Granddaddy Purple

I am a preacher's kid so I grew up believing that Deuteronomy 18 forbad (even mild) hallucinogens as sorcery (Greek: pharmakeia). But now...I think Jesus loves him some granddaddy purple. I smoked weed maybe a dozen times in my life. I never liked it (smell, taste, et al). So I stopped. Then when Washington State legalized recreational cannabis and dispensaries were making all sorts of alternative delivery mechanisms, I asked my doctor if he thought it might help me fight the urge for opiates. He gave me the green light to try it as long as I documented it all. That was a year ago. I discovered RSO (cannabis oil). A little dab (not THAT kind of dab) on peanut butter and it's off to never never land. GDP, 9LB Hammer and Yoda all do things to me that Oxy couldn't do in it's wildest, wettest dreams. This strain wraps a hot, wet towel of oh-my-god-I’m-at-the-blessed-feet-of-Jesus around my head. And that's before the warm, floaty body buzz kicks in. I'll sum it up by saying this. If you've had a long day, hit some...then hit Netflix. It really doesn't matter what you watch. Your aching bones will thank you for it come morning. Thank you sweet Jesus, for showing me where I went wrong in interpreting Your precious scriptures and for rescuing them from the iron jaws of the fundamentalists. Also, tell your Dad I'm thankful for Him creating the most complex plant organism on the planet just for me. GDP: God Digs Purple!