member since 2022Recent Reviews3 total
Super Silver Haze
Coming from a Indica smoker personally I don’t like Pine tree type of Citrus at all but I’m a True weed smoker so I’m gone judge off the strongness of the Strain and the effects it give me. I give it solid 8 out of 10 got me feeling jittery like I took a pill I feel anxious & energetic when I feel like that I know it’s some good Bud and I see why it won high times in late 90s worth the buy if you come across a deal get that stealbecause it’s definitely worth it
Gorilla Nut
Review for my real smokers if Tier 3 is too Tier It’s definitely a Tier 1 Strain looks pretty smell good but doesn’t knock your socks off regular smooth vibe to it no complaints I got a nice deal honest rating 6.3 out of 10