
member since 2015

Recent Reviews3 total

MK Ultra

I luv this strain! <3 <3 <3 I used the Pax 2 vaporizer for this. Filled the bowl up to about .3g. This is pretty earthy; hmm... not quite like a brown chinese tea, not quite like dark chocolate either, more like ... very plain cornflakes with a small hint of sweetness. It smells kinda nutty as it bakes in the vape when I put my nose up to the chamber, not very fragrant. Why did I pick this strain up? Budtender suggested it it to me. Plus I was deciding to pick this up or... the Death Star. Told her I get nausea because of my other medication, and needed something to help with that and I wanted an indica, and so she picked out this or the DeathStar as her favorite choices of indica and between that tried to narrow it to what I was looking for. The high? Wow. This packs quite the punch! Almost sedative. Totally underestimated this strain. After vaping it, I put the vaped weed into my mac and chesse and ate it, not sure if it did anything but... The result was getting so stoned that I was ... bed-locked. Eyes were sooo drowsy. Ended up taking a nap for about 2-3 hours. Waking up still stoned.

Alaskan Thunder Fuck

Oh~ So this is what earthiness tastes like...! For the longest time I have been confined to having access to a limited amount of cannabis... Most of which have been similar in flavor... (Mostly sweet, berry, citrus flavors). This is my first bud with the earthiness flavor I've tasted. I use the Pax 2 vaporizer to consume this and to me there was little sweetness. Lightly earthy. Why did I pick up this strain? Hmmm... because I've heard of it in a movie(movie was called Growing Op), in the movie, though I've forgot completely what they said, but I remember they told the story behind it pretty well selling the strain pretty well. (Supposedly a legendary strain). The high? It's everything I expected from a sativa. I'm not stoned. I feel a buzz. I'm not couch-locked. The budtender told me that ATF makes her heart kinda pound fast and makes her a little "anxious" almost. But I don't feel that. I feel relaxed. As I wrote this... I do have a moderate amount of school work I need to complete, which has been stressing me out. But I don't feel the stress anymore. I feel calmer. Surprised I'm able to think of this strain.

Fire OG

I used the Vapium Summit vaporizer for this strain. The taste is very lightly spicy(Like the minty-ness on a game) with a very nice light earthy citrus flavor. The smell is pungent. I store it inside a air tight glass jar inside a tin/plastic drybag inside silicon/rubber bag. Every time I unwrap the bags and get down to opening the glass jar, I can already smell it, piercing through the glass jar walls. The high is exactly what you'd expect from a hybrid; you won't feel as stoned as you would on a full-on indica strain but you will get decently stoned off this. While getting that head high you would on a sativa. It's a good strain to get stoned without the heaviness to it. I problem I usually have with this strain is the dry eyes. Cotton mouth isn't so bad. Never gotten paranoia or dizziness from this however.