Harvest HOC of Phoenix – Alhambra (Med/Rec)3/6/2016I always have a smooth and friendly experience when I visit, and I recommend this place to my friends all the time.Show more
Casey Jones1/15/2016Very uplifted, happy, energetic, and anxiety relieving. Gave me the giggles.Show more
Alpha Blue1/11/2016Very mentally stimulating, and sometimes caused dancing. Also put me to sleep on occasion causing some weird dreams.Show more
Island Sweet Skunk1/1/2016Excellent for anxiety and depression. Great for going to the gym or dancing, because it gives you plenty of energy.Show more
Blue Haze1/1/2016Excellent for anxiety. Made me relaxed, but social. I was able to be myself. Made me talk all night, and want to listen to music or dance.Show more
Blueberry Haze12/30/2015This is a really laid back and get nothing done kinda strain, or at least it was for me.Show more