
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Tangerine Dream

I was having a severe arthritic attack in my left foot/knee, which was at a pain level of 8 (interferes with basic needs), so I thought I'd try this (first time). Tangerine Dream was recommended as being able to function, but help manage the pain. Neither was the case, unfortunately. I chose the "smoking" route, and while I increased the dose over the course of 5 or 6 hours in the evening, the pain never subsided or diminished in any way. My head got fuzzy, my vision got blurry, I even got to the point where I was unable to focus on simple tasks (like get a glass of ice water from the kitchen) and became mildly hallucinatory. At that point (obviously), I ceased increasing the "medication". The effects lingered another 3 or so hours, then left me with a significant headache. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this strain (or maybe the smoking method was not the correct approach) for extreme pain in your lower extremities, as it had zero effect on my symptoms, even at a dosage level that left me essentially non-functional.