
member since 2015

Recent Reviews5 total


This strain comes from Sunshine Co-Op. The first thing that grabbed me about this weed is the smell. OMG, it is the best smelling weed ever. The scent of sweet ripe blueberries is amazing, it really pops as soon as you rip open the bag.. It does not smell like weed at all. I read the other reviews warning not to use during the day, so I heeded that advice. I vaped two bags after dinner. The vape is smooth and pleasant, leaving a hint of blueberry aftertaste on the lips. I felt deeply relaxed, but not conked out. My mind was peaceful, my muscles relaxed. A couple of hours later after my hubby went to sleep, I went up to my woman cave to vape another bag and play Skyrim. About five minutes after that vape session, I could not keep my eyes open. I have severe chronic insomnia. This stuff works almost as good as my ambien. I also deal with daily joint pain, and this strain was as effective as taking a vicodin. Like most strains of weed, it will give you dry mouth and the munchies. I have yet to find a strain that doesn't. Keep water on your nightstand and a few crackers. I woke up with a headache, but I think that was my own fault for vaping so much. In hindsight, I should stick to one bag. I will definitely buy this again and use as nightime medicine when I'm out of ambien.

Critical Plus

Bought this from Sage Shop in Omak, WA yesterday. The aroma reminds me of Pledge furniture polish. I liked it. I use the Extreme Q vaporizer with an 8lb turkey bag, vaping at 185 and 190C. I had been dry for about a week prior to my first vape session with this stuff. I vaped two bags in a row. I was regretting it halfway through my second bag, thinking I was way overdoing it. While true I probably didn't need a second bag, I didn't suffer any adverse effects like paranoia. Quite the opposite. I felt euphoric, relaxed, calm, and energetic. It was very effective in reducing my neck back and shoulder spasms too, much better than the flexiril I take. I worked in my veggie garden (we homestead on 44 acres) tending to my medicine I have growing there, made a delicious fried chicken dinner and strawberry rhubarb cobbler for my hubby, washed a mountain of dishes, tended to our chickens, brought in our laundry, and still had plenty of energy to burn four hours after my vape session. IMO, this strain is great for day time use, but I would avoid for night when it's time to go to bed. I would also recommend it for PSTD. For once, past traumas that cause me racing thoughts nearly every waking moment of my life, just stopped. I was able to take in my surroundings, enjoy a beautiful sunset in God's Country, and truly feel thankful that I'm alive, and get to live in such a beautiful forest surrounded by wildlife. It was so nice to feel peaceful without being couch locked. This strain is right up there with my other ATF, permafrost.

Blue Dream

This Blue Dream was grown by Equinox, a co-op of farm growers in Wa State. Potency analysis: THC-A 18.8% THC .65% Total 20.1% CBD .71% Method of delivery is Extreme Q vaporizer. I love the blueberry taste left on the lips and aftertaste. It's very smooth and sweet. My body felt very relaxed. The high creeps up on you, very relaxing. I've got a mountain of stress going on in my life right now and this stuff makes the anxiety go away without making me sleepy. My neck muscles are starting to uncramp. I highly recommend this for anxiety, stomach pain, and muscle spasm.

Sour Diesel

This is the worst strain I've tried to treat my PTSD which is ironic because the best strain I've had is a hybrid child of Sour Diesel (Headband). It greatly increased my paranoia and did little to treat my other symptoms. It does give off a strong pungent diesel smell which I personally find repulsive. Won't repeat


Like many other reviewers here, I also suffer from PTSD (10 years of the domestic variety). Like other PTSD folks, I have good days and bad days. The past two months have been especially difficult as I'm going through a rough period in my life. I tried Headband for the first time a couple of nights ago. I am temporarily on a bong until my vaporizer arrives in the mail. Not all strains work well with PTSD (some can actually make symptoms worse). Headband IS a strain that works exceedingly well for me. After 2 or 3 good tokes, the delusional paranoid thinking and severe depression subsided. Another common symptom of PTSD is digestive problems. My weight dropped from 105lbs to 94lbs between late November to present due to lack of appetite from spastic colon (horribly painful) and nausea. Headband immediately alleviated all spasms within five minutes after use, which makes it an excellent pain reliever as well. I was finally able to eat a decent amount of food yesterday without doubling over in pain, and feel much better today because of it. I also found Headband helps with fatigue. I was relaxed and mellow without being couch locked, making it a good choice for daytime use. Headband wouldn't be my first recommendation for wanting to get super high. It does make you high, but not blasted. You will feel buzzed, but won't be seeing pink bunnies shooting paintballs at you anytime soon. Highly recommend!