
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

Pakistan Valley

One of the best Indicas. Has all the trademark Indica characteristics and a lovely, spicy weedy flavour and aroma. Traditionally most of it is processed into charas or garda hash but a small amount of buds and leaves are also consumed as edibles referred to as bhang in the local language. Very few people in the region smoke the dried buds which is surprising. It can be compared Afghan strains like Mazar although its effects are a bit more profound and the smoke of the commercial machine processed hash is quite harsh when you first inhale whereas the traditional hand-pressed variety is smoother. The hash from this part of the world is very different from the Moroccan and Middle Eastern hashish which is typically mellow and smooth whereas Asian Afghan/Indian/Pakistani hash is a lot stronger.


Although it is unfair to lump all African strains together under one category, most of them when cured and aged using traditional indigenous methods appear dark greenish brown and are often seeded. Commercial varieties which are also exported are pressed into bricks. Even though Malawi, Swaziland and various other varieties have become known in the West over the years, there are still many other strains all over Africa. I have been using mainly Ghanaian and Congolese varieties which have at least two sub types, one which has dense dark buds and the other which is a lighter and is leafier than the other variety. Both are seeded although the lighter one has less seeds which are mostly pale and non-viable. The darker variety has a spicy, musky, earthy aroma while the lighter one is fruitier. The taste of the dark one is also spicier and its aroma is stronger. The lighter grade had a smooth taste and a fresher, leafier smell. The effects of both are immediate but intensify and last about 1-2 hours. Although these are supposed to be pure Sativas, they do sometimes exhibit Indica like traits and over indulgence can cause drowsiness. Also great for those suffering from a lack of appetite. Perfect for day time use. I prefer landraces and have an interest in preserving traditional curing techniques from various parts of the world. The African varieties which I have smoked are truly some of the best strains I've sampled and should not be underestimated based on their appearance - this is not "schwag"