Purchased this from my PEI provincial gov't dispensary after reading the reviews here, and I must say, this bud really delivered. It's got a lovely smell, a spicy floral. I vaped it and smoked it as well, similar effects both times.
Not super strong buzz, but a clear headed interest in doing things you would normally put off; it's like the anti-procrastination effect on me.
Some strains make it a challenge to read a novel or engage in complicated processes, but I find this one actually enhances understanding rather than disjointing it. It's a lovely ADD relieving treat that I can enjoy right in the middle of the day at home when I would normally save the weed for the evening on the couch.
I have also found that it lessens the inflammation in my tendonitis/tennis elbow and thus the pain level when I am trying to get things accomplished.
I've had no negative effects, no nervousness, no regret. Just a positive 'Let's do this' feeling. Reward yourself with a cup of tea and a snack after you get that chore done, makes for a great day.
Gov't info on this (Spinach brand) says it is a sativa THC: 7.00 - 13.99 CBD: 2.00 - 12.99 Your strain may vary.