Legal Greens
Legal greens used to have good sales and decent deals. The last few months i have seen prices go up. I love the ground flower but legals charges more than local competitors. I understand a profit is important but its also important to keep your customers happy. For example, Green Heart in Brockton always has the same bundle deal on their quarters of ground flower. They charge 25 for their ground quarters and charge 2 for 40 as a bundle deal. Legals used to charge 25 max for all ground flower. Recently i have noticed they have ground ranging from 25 to 30 and had bundled deals of 2 for 40 and 2 for 45. Legals only had these bundles for a month. I went to Legal Greens a long time and stopped a few months ago because they went up and didn't have bundles on the ground. I started shopping there again because they were being competitive but only for so long. Word of advice, make bundle deals on ground flower permanent like your local competitors. I could justify going to that part of town if i am paying the same or a tiny bit more. You guys have great customer service but are in a sketchy neighborhood. I have gotten harassed walking from the car park lot to front entrance by people asking for money, weed, and cigarettes. I have had people follow me to my car.