member since 2015Recent Reviews3 total
White Siberian
I found this energizing, strong, and I feel playful and drawn into whatever I am doing...so maybe focused. I also found this to be arousing and perfect for sex. IF I am physically tired...after say 2-3 sessions with this I become sleepy. However when I am not physically tired in the first place...that tiredness can take much longer to show up. And the "tiredness" thing tends to show up after a while for me with multiple sessions with a sativa in general (thinking - stimulated to action strains eventually uses enough energy my body eventually must rest more than the strain effects make me tired). Hope this is useful!
Blue Haze
Blue Haze for me is when I need to "get things done". Physical work seems especially good, but mental can be ok, just sitting still real long may be an issue, but then again it should be! I find it harsh to inhale however and the effect does not last all that long - maybe just an hour and I will need to go again. I really like keeping this available as I really can be productive in a very good ways. Feeling lost or confused, scattered, unfocused...this cuts through all that for me and it is "just get something done" - which I do. And that is always a good thing. Hope this is useful.