
member since 2022

Recent Reviews3 total


Want to feel like an alien from another galaxy? Try this. It's hard to put into words how this strain makes me feel, but the most fitting word I could find was "alien." It makes me feel... weird. I found it so uncomforting on two separate occasions that I had to vape a different (and happier) strain for the remainder of the session. To top things off, it tastes like the fuel that was used to power my metaphorical alien spaceship. It's like an ammonia from a another universe where ammonia was slightly less offensive. In other words, you can expect this strain to be "far out there."

Cactus Chiller

It's a gateway drug... to the world of reefer. ___ Cactus Chiller by Timeless was the fourth overall weed product, and second vape cartridge that I've tried - after one Rove (blegh!) - and I couldn't be happier to have such a terrific introduction to the world of THC! The first three products I tried were busts. and I was just about to give up entirely on cannabis. Timeless, over here, just saved the drug for me. I've had some wonderful moments while taking Cactus Chiller, despite its rather unfortunate shortcomings. This stuff is straight out of the deserts of México - but your mouth will, in turn, become a desert. Even though it was just vapor, taking this was like huffing straight wood smoke. It will also cause moderate anxiety with some relevantly themed hallucinations. I still thoroughly enjoyed Cactus Cooler because it made movies, music, cartoons, etc x10 times more enjoyable. Personally speaking, this brought ought the inner ADD kid in me (one's in us all, really). Although I was able to make it through one movie, it was not without numerous pauses for google searches and YouTube videos that I made it to the end credits. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing comes down to your own personal taste. It's a 5 outta 5 in my book... or so it was, at least, before I updated the logs with wayyy better carts.

Cactus Cooler

Mostly great experience. It puts me in a pleasant headspace, but it dries up my mouth.