Super Jack
Ok, I started smoking Super Jack about a year ago, religiously and on a regular basis. Over that time you get to know the personality of a strain really well. Here's my moment of clarity about Super Jack: it is the ultimate "chore" weed. It makes you want to do productive things. In fact, it makes you want to do things that you normally wouldn't even want to do, that maybe you've been putting off. Menial tasks and chores - the kind of stuff nobody ever wants to do. There are strains that are great for creative productivity, that make you want to cook or write or produce music - but Super Jack is the one that gets you off your ass to do the things you've been meaning to do. In that regard I have never experienced a strain quite like it - not from either of it's parental lineage either. It's a special kind of medicine if you know how to use it. The only thing that comes close is Green Crack, or Super Green Crack, but this is *still* more effective for increasing productivity. Adderall without the comedown and ruining your life part.