Dab Town USA
I am very happy they now do recreational. I qualify for medical, but the cost to get a medical card is way more than what I will save from the discount prices. However, this is near my home, so location is important to me. The bud-tenders are great. Very friendly and if I know what I want when I go in, they just get it for me, without trying to sell me something else., When I am interested in other options, they are very knowledgeable. The prices are good and so far they have always had what I wanted, so selection is great. The only thing I would recommend, if anything, is that the outside of the place is very sterile looking and uninviting. Everyone knows what the place is, so why not be a little more imaginative with the outside appearance. The inside is clean and efficient, though maybe some more decorations and music playing in the "inner" bud room :). Great work, keep it up!