
member since 2021

Recent Reviews11 total

Backpackboyz - Phoenix

I no longer shop here, because I’m a medical patient and you only have deals for in store! That doesn’t help medical patients.we can’t even order deals . People with medical issues can’t do in store for many reasons that’s why there medical! This store isn’t medical friendly!

The Mint Cannabis - Encanto

I don’t even need to go, this was sunny side way better always good on prices. Now it’s the Mint looked at the new menu and it sucks way over priced but it’s the mint they all sell dry weed and over price everything.

Story Cannabis - McDowell Rd

Really great service fast and friendly, bud tender Craig S was very helpful advised me on a new product going to try it on my next visit! Will say the lines suck! It would be nice if medical patients had 1 hour before everyone.

Curaleaf - Central

Very fast great customer service very nice and professional, only bad thing is all the construction on the street not there fault it’s the city’s fault!

Story Cannabis - Tolleson

This was my favorite spot but you have lost your minds for what you charge for flower your normal 1/8 where 25 now there 40 for the same thing for patients this sucks because most Patients are on a limit income. Not going back

Curaleaf - Pavilions

It was hard enough to get a order now that all have gone recreational it’s impossible plus the medical people are being screwed over no deals and you have raised all the prices