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Northern Lights

One thing I can say for certain is that the people who developed Northern Lights knew a whole lot more about marijuana than I do. From everything I have have ever read, or witnessed concerning our rather praise worthy strain, I believe it all started somewhere here in and around our Northwest USA, and the territory is expanding now concerning those who also wish to lay a claim to it's origins, but most accurately from what I can surmise with all presented testimonies over the years, I would say it began in Seattle WA as a blend between an Afghani, and a Thai. After working with it there was a clone only most excellent Northern Lights that took a trip across the sea to the Netherlands, and in order to breed it they began crossing it with Skunk #1, and with Haze, both of which had also come into being by that time, and also, most excellent strains, and after doing so, they kept bringing it back to the original Afghani most excellent until they ended up with a mostly Indica Hybrid they called the Northern Lights. A few of the Northern Lights these days, both Nirvana, and KC Brains, have a NL they call a hybrid between Indica, and Sativa, which suggests that theirs' are either 50%/50% Sativa/Indica, and they worked with the Indica phenotypes, or else something closer to 62.5% Indica, and 37.5% Sativa, but your guess is as good as mine. Most others have been crossed back more to Indica to as much as can be considered 100% Indica, but not really, not with all the hybridization it has known. That is about as well as I can deliberate concerning this above mentioned subject we call Northern Lights today. Northern Lights is the strongest Cannabis plant in the world. That is one fact I have heard from time to time, and from having seen it grow myself, I must also believe that is true. My own experience with NL appeared to denote that it left me particularly satisfied, and just seemed more fun than other smoke. I would also say it has a cool effect, especially when compared to the warm social smoke, of say something like White Widow. You might say that NL has a cooling social effect, where as the contrasting White Widow has a warming social effect. ( Of course, both of those effects go out the window if you break those down to shatter, which will socially retard just about anybody. I mean if you smoke shatter, you might not be able to find your way home, but that's another subject altogether. ) Back to our subject of Northern Lights. Your best shot at ever growing primo is Northern Lights. NL is also more engineered to grow well in an indoors setting than anything ever developed, but it is still good to learn not to abuse them, because if they do well when you beat them up, imagine what they could become if you treated them well. All in all, for every reason anyone grows, and or consumes Cannabis, Northern Lights is the best plant you can grow or smoke. Other plants can out do NL at different points, but never all in all. No, all in all, it is Northern Lights all the way, and there is absolutely no Marijuana plant that is better than Northern Lights for every reason. Northern Lights is the pinnacle of excellence, and that excellence, simply because of the nature of things, and the excellence of Northern Lights is just a fact of life if you will believe the truth. Northern Lights is at present an on going international corroboration project of continuous breeding with variances, but everyone knows the basics of getting the kind of plant we all want....the very very best of the best, of the best. Also, in a polite society we should not overwhelm our neighbors with a stencheous scent, especially if they never signed to live next to a Skunk scent factory, and that is just a fact of life, so Northern Lights will not be going away. Very high quality in every way.