Super Lemon Haze
I'm a Depression and Anxiety patient who had this Sativa Dominant hybrid suggested to me as it was the only strain within my doctor imposed THC limit of 15mg that was available for my condition. At $9 a gram, I was expecting a lot and it delivered on the mostpart.
When opening the packaging, you instantly get the sour scent blasting out pretty quickly, The nugs were well trimmed and intact. The trichomes very visible and buds were sticky, not too crispy when breaking meaning i didn't have too many crumbs to deal with.
I loaded .5g into my vape and found it responded to the lower temperatures quite well which gave me a good 6 mins of vaping. Flavour was quite sour and the effects lasted around 50 mins. Made me feel calm, not too lazy allowing me to perform day to day tasks. I found that the strain dried my mouth out pretty badly though compared to others i've had.
After a few days with it, i'm confident this will allow me to regain some of my life that had gone due to anxiety and depression. It's allowing me the freedom to do what i want to again.