The Gallery - South Hill
The best customer appreciation in town. My budtender today, says Sam on the receipt, and his manager, went above and beyond. Had ordered my second favorite strain online because it wasn't showing the one I really wanted. After combining a half and two quarts to equal an oz and paying for it, I asked when they'd have what I was really after. Sam looked and they had an oz! Since I hadn't left the store yet I asked if I could swap it, unfortunately all sales are final and Sam complying with store policy, apologized and said he couldn't. Fortunately a manger/owner(?) overheard us and said if it wasn't online to be seen I shouldn't lose and told him to go ahead and make it happen since I hadn't even left the counter yet. I walked out with what I really wanted and saved some money too. They understand how to keep a customer coming back and getting an old fart who rarely leaves reviews to write all this.