
member since 2014

Recent Reviews17 total


Initial impression: This is the first concentrate I have had the privilege of reviewing. I had recently purchased some solvent-less hash from my watering hole, it was really a nice. I put the wax into my vap-pen and gave it a whirl. I will definitely be back for more. My initial impression was that of skepticism and I am a big fan of concentrates, or at least coming around. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 8.5 The aroma of the wax (solvent-less hash) when I first opened it was very present. It was a strong aroma of sweet combined with a woodsy/ piney undertone. The aroma was pretty powerful and neat. Smelled great. Taste: 9.0 The taste of this wax was something quite nice Potency: 9.0 The strength of this euphoria was well placed. I was very high, very quickly and lasted quite a long time. I really enjoyed the potency of this particular strain in the medium ingested. I WILL be buying some more GSC hash. Final opinion: I thought this strain was really great! The potency was strong, the aroma was powerful and the taste was exceptional, this is a textbook example of perfection. I would implore you (the reader) try this strain if you have the means to, it is absolutely worth it. Total points awarded: 26.5 out of 30 this is a potent method of ingestion, novice beware. CM~

Tora Bora

Initial impression: I saw this strain sitting in its glass jar with almost an oily bluish sheen to it. Come to find out it was such dark blue and purple that the light being bounced off gave this strain an oily sheen to it, kinda neat if you ask me. I was excited to see a strain with such varying phenotype distinctiveness and displays. My initial impression was of some wonder and a little marveling over the aesthetics of this strain. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 5.5 The aroma is reminiscent of a light piney, spicy, earthy pungent-ness. The aroma was okay, was really light ans subtle, which was nice. Nothing really special. Taste: 7.5 The taste of this bud was something quite different than its scent. Like the aroma, the taste was also light. The initial taste of this is more earthy and piney than its smell leads you to believe. The taste of this bud was okay, left me wanting more flavor. I am not saying this is bad, I am also not impressed, this strain was okay for a middle of the week night toke. Potency: 7.0 The strength of this euphoria was like everything else about this strain just okay. This strain had a THC rating in the high teens, either I am smoking way to much and can't really feel feelings anymore, or this was a weaker plant. Ill try it again just to make sure it was a fluke. Final opinion: I thought this strain was just okay. This is one of those strains that is average. I have read the genetic info based on this Indica cross, and was thinking that with genetics from which this plant hails, it was the runt of the littler (just my thought). This is an okay strain to take part in as a newbie. Total points awarded: 20 out of 30 better than average but far from awesome. CM~

Mothers Milk

Initial impression: My bud-tender said in the usual tone "what'll it be?" I chirped back, "surprise me, something new from the cannaseur shelf' please". So I was handed a newer strain aptly named "Mother's Milk (MM)" Bodhi Seeds states the lineage is "hybrid of Nepali OG (same mother as Goji OG) crossed to the now retired Appalachia male (green crack x tres dawg)] "http://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Mothers_Milk/Bodhi_Seeds/".The other one was Gorilla Glue #4 (GG)" (reviewed in a different post). Needless to say, I was pretty excited about both of these. I sniffed MM, it reminded me of a very light dusting of the Talc powder I get when I receive a fresh hair cut. The light scent of this strain was pleasing. It was pleasing because I am used to (we are all kind of used to) really heavy scents that are pungent and almost overwhelming; to have one on the lighter side and more subtle is a nice change, a welcomed one at that. I sampled this strain in a pre-rolled blunt form. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 10.0 This is the highest number of points I have ever awarded any strain for its aroma. The smell from this strain is so unique, I have never smelled anything like it ever. Its light, subtle, pleasant and uniquely different; for that it deserves a perfect ten for aroma, really awesome. Taste: 8.5 The taste of this bud was something quite different than its scent. Like the aroma, the taste was also light, it was a very delicate and evenly balanced. The taste lingered on my tongue in light hues of an earthy sweet milk. As I stated above, this is really a wonderfully grown strain with wonderful genetics. I really loved how smooth and velvety the smoke was when I pulled of my blunt. Kudos to master blunt roller "Jazzy J", at Medicine Man Medical Market, located in Glendale, CO. Mad Props: I have to give mad props to the primary joint/blunt roller for Medicine Man Medical Market, "Jazzy J" she has been cited numerous times on Twitter under the #Rawlife for Raw rolling papers. Jazzy J's creations are really unique, she can roll anything. I have seen her roll a 1oz joint called "The Big Nif", I have seen roll a cactus joint, a double barrel 1/2oz joint, scorpion joint and a bunch of wild creations. Come here and put her to work I promise you wont be disappointed. Potency: 7.5 The strength of this euphoria was great. Better than average but I think what the growers were going for here is something mellow and subtle, in that instance I would rate them a 9.0 out of 10.0, I grade the potency based on a holistic trial of the strains that I have had (macro scale, not micro scale). So an overall individual potency rates a 7.5; 7.5 which is still great. Final opinion: I thought this strain was an awesome representation of a chill strain. This is ideal for a mellow moment. Throw on some John Denver and meditate about the Eagle and the Hawk. This is one of the coolest and most unique strains I have ever had the pleasure of trying. I have placed this strain in my personal top 20 favorite I have tried thus far. Total points awarded: 26 out of 30. I would rate this strain 4.5 stars, I feel that is fair. CM~

Juicy Fruit

Initial impression: Recently came across this strain at my local watering hole, and decided I would buy a little of this strain, simply because of the name. It sounded yummy. I asked to see the large glass jar it is stored in so that I could stick my head in and take a nice deep breath. It was like leaning over a 5-gallon fruit punch Gatorade container and getting that real fruity waft. I bought a few pre-rolls. They were rolled with "Raw Rolling Papers", and fitted with "Raw Tips". I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 8.0 The aroma was really the only thing this strain had going on. As I stated above, the strain has a very pungent tropical fruit punch aroma, really kinda cool. Another friend of mine stipulated my claims about the 5-gallon Fruit Punch Gatorade, although he thought it was more reminiscent of "Hawaiian Punch". Like I wrote earlier, this was the only trick this old dog knew, how to smell good. Taste: 4.0 The taste of this bud was something quite different than its scent. If anyone has ever had several day old Hawaiian Punch that has been left in the car to get hot, this tasted worse than that. I am not saying this strain isn't okay, it is for someone without olfactory senses (no taste or smell). It left something to be desired, a lot. Potency: 5.5 The strength of this euphoria was average middle of the road high. I wasn't impressed, I wasn't overjoyed either. Again, this is one of those strains that was middle of the road. I don't think I will ever purchase this strain again. I might take a toke if someone passed it around, but I wouldn't buy it. Final opinion: I thought this strain was a little weak. The only redeeming quality was the smell, that is it. Then again, maybe I had a weaker genetic variant of this particular strain, one never knows. I'll let you know if I decide to try this strain again, don't hold your breath though. Total points awarded: 17.5 out of 30. I would rate this strain 2.5 stars, I feel that is fair. CM~

Night Terror

Initial impression: II have noticed that a preponderance of my reviews are Indica dominant strains or hybrids, not to many straight sativa strains. I will do my best to review a myriad of different strains. Any-whosies, this strain was considered one of the cannaseur level strains at Medicine Man in Glendale, CO. I would happily agree with them on this. My initial impression was "wow" this strain looks great, smells great cant wait to see how super fly this strain really is. So I bought an eighth without even trying it; it was totally worth it. I was smitten and impressed. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 8.5 Definitely pungent! This scent reminded me of a tropical lawn, that was just recently cut. It was like fresh cut grass, combined with new garden soil and a tang of berry/citrus. Really a complex package to be digested in a single sitting. I sat at my kitchen table taking turns smelling the original container, and my ground up bud for my joint. I was going back and forth and was really impressed with the aroma and its irresistible complexity. Definitely one of my favorites to date. Taste: 9.0 Simplistically stated, "Holy fucking ass-crackers batman". This tastes like the dreams of small children, delicious! Enough said. One of my favorites to date, definitely in my top 5. Potency: 7.5 The strength of this euphoria was mellow and, pretty powerful. I felt connected, and focused. This was not one of your typical (IN DA Couch lock) Indicas. The strength of this euphoria was really nice. Uplifting while simultaneously spots of lethargy. Focused, and uncaring, it is a great strain Final opinion: I liked, I liked a lot! I would recommend this strain to any cannaseur. This strain has made its way into my personal stash. Total points awarded: 25 out of 30. Great bud, I would like to extend a mark of personal satisfaction and appreciation to whom ever created this strain, kudos. This strain really should be a 4.5 stars out of 5, really remarkable. CM~


Initial impression: I went back to my usual watering hole at Medicine Man Medical Market in Glendale, CO. I was happily informed that there are new strains that were just delivered; like that of "Plushberry, Juicy Fruit, Mob Boss" and a few others. I happily took a gram of all except Mob Boss. My initial impression of Plushberry was welcomed. It smelled great, looked great and caused me to be excited to try a new Indica strain. I was initially impressed. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 8.0 I was fortunate enough to be friends with my bud-tender and I get the VIP treatment, which is nice. (THEY) brought out the big jar packed full of freshly cured mossy green nugs, that looked like the trichomes fairy came by and sprinkled these buds with wholesome goodness. The aroma was definitely fruity, in fact that was about the only smell I could really pin-point was just a rich tropical fruit aroma. One of the more pleasing cannabis scents I have had the pleasure of sniffing. Taste: 4.0 The taste was surprisingly nothing like the smell would lend it to be. I split this joint with the above mentioned friend and we both agreed that this is not the most tasty cannabis ever, in fact not even close. I was expecting a surge of tropical overtones, and flights of whimsical fancy, but NAE, it did not happen. I am not going to say the biggest let down, but one I certainly wasn't expecting, especially this strain and its lineage. It was just sub-par. Potency: 3.5 The strength of this euphoria was mellow and almost non-existent. I felt a decent buzz for about ten-ish minutes maybe a little more, but that was about it. Not very potent at all, again sub-par. Final opinion: This is one of those strains that was just below average. As I stated in an earlier post, I would hit it if someone passed it around, but I wouldn't go out of my way to purchase it. If I could rate this a 1.5 stars I would. Succinctly stated, this strain is below average in almost every capacity except for its aroma, that's about it. Total points awarded: 15.5 out of 30. My opinion is this, this a sub-standard, middle of the road strain to try if you re a first timer, its not to intense and smells nice.

Lodo Wellness Center

Went to LoDo Wellness one day while I was downtown just to see what a few of my friends were talking about. A few of my friends that were visiting Colorado purely for the Cannabis experience decided to go to LoDo before a Rockies game; (so a few weeks ago). I decided to stop by LoDo Wellness while my sister was in town visiting. Just so happened to coincide that their is a delicatessen there that I go to frequently (this was a convenience stop); I digress. Any-whosies; My sister and I walked through the glass door at the top of the stairs and were immediately greeted by the strong Cannabis odor, which was great! I thought this is a good start, and that is about all it was. I found that my experience there was just mediocre, here is why. I rated LoDo 3 stars for quality, because their selection was very limited for recreational purchase, maybe 6 total strains offered from large jars. Not a lot to pick from, but then again, it is better than meeting "your guy" and getting what you get. I think they should at least try to offer a few more strains, I do understand that space is indeed limited and the demand for certain strains is at an all time fever pitch, still having more variety never hurt anyone. The service at LoDo I rate at 2 stars, the bud-tenders at LoDo were kind and helpful people, just got the feeling that because LoDo deals with quite a lot of recreational traffic, that they were in the mindset of get in, get out. Whether or not that was their intention, who knows, (as I imagine it is not) I can and will say this, it is certainly not an attractive attitude to have especially in this niche of the hospitality industry. The atmosphere is pretty unique there, which is why I rated it 3 stars. My sister and I walked downstairs and saw a small grow space. There is a big pane glass window at the bottom of the stairs, that lets you look at the grow process; really a neat idea to have something like that available for people to look at. We even took a picture underneath the window, just for fun. The atmosphere was average aside from that; in my opinion it was as average as your typical Reggae / Hipster style dispensary would be. I am not saying that LoDo's atmosphere was bad, or off putting, it was just average, their is nothing wrong with that, but then again, there is nothing that sets it apart either. To answer the questions below, this was a first time visit, I might recommend to a friend, (might). I might shop at LoDo, again that is a maybe. I would at this point probably not recommend to a friend. I will be back to LoDo Wellness to see if my experience differs, my fingers are crossed. Be well, be happy ~CM

The Green Solution - Alameda Ave @ West Denver

I recently patronized this establishment at the Central Aurora location at Metro East. The selection was, well, overwhelming to say the least. Which is great if you like the head spinning levels of variety that this establishment has. Something for everyone I guess. The quality of their cannabis varied from your average run -o' - the -mill, to the super high end strains like Afgooey, Buuba Kush and the Mendocino Purps. Their selection is really some of the best flower I have seen in the larger corporate stores serving the greater Denver area. TGS does have a rather righteous selection of concentrates, edibles and bunch of neat accouterments for the novice and veteran cannabis user a-like. TGS gets 2 stars for atmosphere. I am not saying that the store wasn't well put together, it just came across to corporate for me. I did enjoy the one on one customer service as I think that that makes a difference. It's the little things that make a difference, and that made a difference to me. Not to mention they have a call ahead feature for frequent flyers so as to avoid the line. That is a unique idea and, one that I imagine that they benefit from I gave 5 stars for service because of the one on one experience. That for me was more personal, it is nice to have a guide on your safari's, even if you are a self-proclaimed grizzled veteran in this industry. Sometimes it is just nice to see what's out there and how others are doing it for better or for worse. ~CM


Initial impression: I was sold on this pre-roll from a different place than my usual watering hole, at The Green Solution LLC, in Aurora, CO. I went on the advice of a friend to check out the dispensary, I will write a review on them in a different section (so check it out). I got a decent wiff of the joint as it was the only Indica dominant strain they had in pre-rolls at the time. I digress, my initial impression was just okay. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 5.0 I did not have a gargantuan jar of finely clipped buds to shove my head into. However, I did get a good waft of this joint in the medical container they gave me with it. The aroma of Papaya was light and floral. Surprisingly more floral than the name lent itself, . I do disagree with some of the reviews written about this strain in particular in that my specific beef is with the actual "Papaya" scent. I thought it was more menthol / chemical than anything almost like a diesel (lite). There is a litany of different smells and tastes with this strain, I feel it is an average middle of the road aroma. Nothing special and nothing really that sets it apart; just meh'. Taste: 6 The taste was different, this is the most vivid description I can give about the taste. If one is familiar with carpet De-odorizer product in the powder form, that scent of the is how this strain taste. I think that is a pretty accurate and vivid description. The taste of this strain is different, not unique, just different. There was a menthol and chemical overtone to this strain, while an earthy pungent undertone lingered on my taste buds. It was okay cannabis. Potency: 6.0 The strength of this euphoria was mellow and relaxing. Not overpowering, but a little underwhelming. I would of thought with a strain with Cannabis Cup winning genetics would be a little more powerful, I was sadly underwhelmed. It was nice, is a fair and accurate description I feel; again, nothing really special. Final opinion: This is one of those strains that was just average. AS I stated in an earlier post, I would hit it if someone passed it around, but I wouldn't go out of my way to purchase it. If I could rate this a 2.5 stars I would. It is just average. Total points awarded: 17 out of 30, this was an okay pre-roll, done with Big Bambú papers. The joint did not run or fall apart; it was a really well crafted joint, but that is about all it was. My opinion is this, this a great middle of the road strain to try if you re a first timer, its not to intense, its no push over either, its smells nice, and tastes okay. Its the perfect example of middle of the road I think there is.

Jenny Kush

Initial impression: My bud-tender told me about this strain, and how it was named after a cannabis activist, the late Jenny Monson. Anything named after an activist in my experience has been always top quality, (cannaseur) quality take for example the late Jack Herer, that strain is one of the hardest hitting sativas in the industry. My initial impression was nothing short of dreamy and here is why. I use a scale of 10 points, 10 being the highest possible score in any category, with 3 total categories, Taste / Aroma / Potency. Aroma: 9.5 When I first stuck my nose into the large glass jar containing all of the sticky, dense buds I could barely contain my enthusiasm. I don't normally remark out loud, but I did quietly mutter "damn". That is a first for me, I hope anyone that has a similar experience to mine to please share. This in my humble opinion is in my personal top 5 strains EVER. Taste: 10 The taste was angelic. I actually smiled as I exhaled what tasted like a warm coco-nuts. The tropical tones in this strain are potent and almost seem to dance on my taste buds. Hands down the best tasting cannabis I have had to date. The people over at "Rare Darkness Seeds" should be proud of their creation. I would encourage the growers to enter this into the Cannabis Cup and see what happens, you never know. Potency: 8.5 The strength of this euphoria was splendiferious. I was surprised at how quick my head went into the clouds and seemed to stay there. I really did enjoy the high I got from this strain. This strain is truly unique, I would encourage anyone to try this strain. I offer my personal guarantee, if you do not like it, send it to me and Ill smoke it for you. Final opinion: This strain was awarded the highest possible marks for taste. Overall this score is reflective of the high quality of this product. I will be purchasing this strain again, and in bulk. I refuse to let a strain like this get away, I might even grow it. Total points awarded: 28 out of 30, this is the highest score I have awarded a strain to date; seriously, try the Jenny Kush, you will not be disappointed, this strain is seriously a cannabis aficionado's dream.