
member since 2017

Recent Reviews4 total

Trichome Health Consultants

Staff is helpful and points me towards published research when I have questions. They really know their stuff. They take the time to make everyone who comes in there feel like they are the total focus of the day. The waiting room was a little intimidating, and the chairs weren't comfortable. Now that I have a med card, I don't need to wait though. Just be warned on your first visit. I've shopped around and I've tried cannabis from medical and recreational dispensaries all around the Denver/Springs area and nothing has worked like the strains at Trichome.

Critical Cure

I do not recommend this strain. It came recommended alongside Critical Kush, which has been very helpful, and Critical Cure has been a huge disappointment. It smells good, but it tastes awful when smoked and often times I'm left in a foul mood. Between the poor flavor, and the fact that it doesn't seem to help my leg pain or nausea or really anything at all about my condition, I get pretty grumpy. I regret this strain.

Critical Kush

Critical Kush has been the biggest lifesaver for me. I can WALK again, sometimes. I have sever nerve pain in my leg, and I walk with a cane or crutches. Ever since I've incorporated this strain into my regimen I've been walking with less weight on my cane (saving the carpal tunnel) and I'm becoming more physically activ.e I used to be a martial artist and a soldier, and physicality has always been important. It helps my sensitivity to touch. I love that I don't get the "high" feeling. My head stays clear, my leg pain is reduced by almost 40% and I can FUNCTION. I wish I could give this strain a 6th star.


I picked up some recon at the recommendation from my local medical dispensary. I have severe nerve damage and chronic pain that reduces my amount of sleep to 3-4 hours spread throughout the day. With Recon before bed, I sleep a solid 5 hours. For me, after all this time, finally getting sleep... I woke up and cried. It has been a blessing. It is a lot of THC, and I got really high. I don't particularly like to be high. I smoke recreationally, on occasion, with friends or family. But day to day I need stuff that works. I was able to sleep but felt debilitated by how high I was. The smell of the bud was amazing and sweet, and it tastes smooth and flavorful when smoked. I plan on making hard candies from an oil made from this strain so that I can sleep better regularly. I'm hoping that as an edible, I can sleep longer. Also, I'm hoping to control the dose pretty small.