
member since 2013

Recent Reviews6 total

Ringo's Gift

I'm definitely more of a heavy THC guy. My local shop was out of everything else at this one's price point, so I thought I'd give it a shot, considering I'm dealing with a sprained ankle. I'm floored by how immediate it comes on. Whole body relaxation in, what, five minutes? It's definitely a different experience than 80% THC (this one's 57.60% CBD/8.28% THC). It's really pretty incredible. Not only helps with the pain, but it's lifted my mood a bit as well. Will buy again.

Acapulco Gold

Somehow this is my first time trying this legend. It's in the form of activated CO2 oil from Pure, dabbed. All I can say is Holy Moly Spicoli.

The West Seattle Marijuana Store

The location isn't very convenient for me, but it's not a long haul either. Inside, it's a clean space and I liked the layout. The price point on concentrates will definitely have me returning; this is a great shop for the budget-conscious.

Dutch Treat

One of my absolute favorite strains. The biggest benefit I get from it is the uplift in mood. There's a nice balance between that and the relaxing effects, so it doesn't stop me from wanting to get out and do things and have fun. Could be great for those prone to depressive bouts.

Northwest Patient Resource Center

Always great, prompt and friendly service at both locations in the years I've been a customer. On top of that, their general philosophy and commitment to the community around them has been something that I have been glad to support (I'd love to work for them). And convenience: the WS location is very close to home. The variety of products they carry is also a plus and it seems that they tend to support smaller, regional companies and growers. Very cool. The only issue I've ever had is communicating with the person helping me due to the glass (it's sometimes hard to hear them clearly, they sometimes have a problem hearing me clearly). I unfortunately only have one more visit ahead of me, as my medical card is expiring and I won't be renewing it this year. Recreational prices are ridiculous right now. None of this stuff is cheap regardless. I appreciate that NWPRC has been there to help.

Purple Kush

Picked up some TJ's PK from NWPRC this afternoon. I'd had an incredibly stressful day at work and wanted something to take the edge off and relax a bit. This one really delivers. It's been a while since I've tried the strain, but my previous experience with it was unremarkable. Maybe this speaks to TJ's quality - this one's done a very noticeable job of relaxing my shoulders and allowing me to grin and giggle at dumb crap on YouTube. Definitely more couchy than euphoric, but this is pretty much exactly what I needed tonight.