
member since 2021

Recent Reviews10 total


Have you ever wanted to stare at three different colored stacks of sticky-notes, side-by-side, and get lost in thought weighing the significance of what each color represents and what it says about you as a person if you prefer one or the other? No? Well, you just might if you smoke this flower! I acquired 1/4 of this strain at Thrive dispensary in Metropolis, Illinois a few weeks ago. I forget which brand, but it is great. All of the flowers in my batch were on the smaller side (almost popcorn-like), but very fresh and beautiful. Nice orange trichomes all over. Mine tested at 31% and, boy, will you feel it when you inhale. I vaped mine in S&B Mighty. 15 or 20 minutes later, was feeling great. A couple more draws 30 minutes later had me lost in thought over those sticky notes. So far, the most potent strain I've tried. It is superb and well worthy of the 2021 strain of the year title.

Jet Fuel Gelato

All I can think of to describe this strain is, "woooosh!". This is a hybrid, sure, but it definitely leans heavy on the sativa side. Mine is 3.54g of Cresco, purchased in southwest Illinois two weeks ago. It was a tad on the dry side, but two weeks with an evergreen pod, and it livened right up. Why, "woooosh", you ask? Well, that's because when JFG hits, it hits hard. Mine was tested at 25.5%. Quite potent. I took three or four long draws on my S&B Mighty around 10:00 this morning and was soaring 15 minutes later. My wife commented on the visible liveliness I exhibited after a few hits. It come on hard and heavy for sure! This strain will empty your mind of anything other than calm focus. This is a highly mind-focusing strain that will fill you with an awesome energy and focus as sharp as a diamond. Worries and concerns dissolve into the background of your minds eye. To do lists and schedules vaporize. Existence in the here-and-now and an awareness of self is delivered with JFG. You'll write on philosophy. You'll de-grime the grout in your shower with a toothbrush. You'll work out all the awkward conversations with loved ones that you always ignore. This is a strain for getting $#!+ done, lol. I love how energized I feel, but not edgy or anxious. Just fully aware, as the case may be. Music sounds awesome (even songs that are usually just mediocre). Candy is divine. Sex is GREAT on this strain. Me and the wife shared a bowl around 11:00 then proceeded to have some superb late-morning, early afternoon fun that seemed to be the best ever. Marathon sex, friends. Stamina greatly enhanced for both parties...the strain should be renamed, "Sex Fuel Let's Go!" Bottom line: JFG is a very high-energy hybrid. It delivers superb mental focus and physical energy. You'll want to work, move around, or finally start some arduous task long-delayed and ignored. Body effects aren't particularly noteworthy in my opinion, but the head high is world class. You'll work and you'll work with a smile on your face!

Durban Poison

This is actually a review for a strain called, "Durban Zkittlez" (produced by Rythm). It is a cross between Zkittles and Durban Poison, and is strongly sativa dominant. I could not locate a strain on the Leafly data base with that name, though. Since it feels like a very strong sativa, I think it is better suited to a review here, than under "Zkittlez". In any case, the 3.54g that I purchased from a dispensary in southwest Illinois, a few weeks ago, tests at 31.62% total THC content. It is far and above the most potent flower I vaped in the last year (I only just started consuming cannabis products in spring of) 2021. The flower seemed very well cured and definitely not dry or damp. The jar i received wasn't listed as "popcorn", but that is how I would describe about 80% of the flower I received. Mostly popcorn with one or two fingernail sized cones. Despite the small size (which honestly isn't a problem for me, as long as they arrive somewhat fresh), I was impressed with Rythm's freshness and their superb packaging. Smells and tastes of cannabis are generally lost on me. I can discern generally citrus or earth-flavored cannabis, but beyond that, it's just about all the same to me. Not sure if it's the weed's fault or mine, but I don't lose sleep over it. Anyway...(I'm pretty high right now)...Durban Zkittlez ("DZ") is great. I vaped a small nug or two in a S&B Mighty about 30 minutes ago. Started to feel it hit about 5-10 minutes after taking 3 deep, long draws, and a few short puffs. I was hit pretty hard about 10 minutes ago and that's where i am now. Pressure built behind the eyes, upper sinus region and gradually spread up into cranium. A very pleasant, heavy feeling. Then body tingles accompanied by a clearing of the mind. Seriously, they should call this "Magic Eraser" instead, because it just clears all the B.S. from my mind. My family is fine, I am alive, and I am without free from need or want in this moment. Everything else just fades into the background. The heady / cranial pressure sensation shifts to one of up-lift and weightlessness. I don't feel compelled to move, but I'm ready to go anyway! This is the strongest sativa I tried so far. The next highest THC% that I ever tried was 25-26%, so this is a big step for me. My teeth feel tingly. It may have something to do with the gummy worms and other candy that I can't seem to stop eating. This strain makes me want to chew. And vacuum. And dust. And practice my Spanish. Write my presidential inauguration speech. Finally paint that self-portrait. Nah, none of those things...I'm just gonna eat 2 pounds of candy and then annoy the heck out of my wife, lol!


Return of the MAC! This strain lives up to it's name (and, yes, I know it stands for Mystery alien cookies, lol). This strain was long on my list of strains to try. On a recent trip to a dispensary in SW Illinois, I finally obtained an 1/8th and have since had an opportunity to vape some MAC twice now. I'm high on it right now (second time, lol!) and it feels awesome. I vape my flower with a S&B Mighty (gen 1), usually beginning around 280 degrees to taste the terps, prior to bumping up to 350 to unlock all of the THC and get some good vapor clouds. Even at lower temperatures, I am often saddened by my inability to really enjoy the flavor of weed that so many other do. I have often wondered if my pallet just can't detect all the subtle and not-so-subtle flavors of different strains, or if others just exaggerate their own experiences...In either case, I can usually discern enough difference between strains to know they each have their own flavor, but I can't usually tell much difference other than citrus or earthy smells/flavors. MAC, however was the first strain I have EVER experienced strong, pleasant flavor on the exhale. With MAC, the draw was pretty tasteless, but on the exhale...amazing flavor of something akin to grape bubble gum. So sweet, so flavorful! Love it! I feel like I can finally understand why so many smokers like flower for the flavor, as well as the high. Speaking of high...I am! On MAC, lol! This stuff is great, just try it.

Mint Face Off

I still consider myself a novice smoker, having not even smoked for a full year yet. In my newfound smoking adventures, I've had the fortunate pleasure of trying several different strains, including some the greats, such as Jack Herer, Blue Dream, etc, and have come to understand the names associated with particular strains by smoking them and having that "Ah ha!" moment. Well, Facemints is definitely one of those... Recently picked up 3.54g (1/8th) of Cresco Facements (FMT) from a dispensary near Cardondale, IL. FMT had been one of those strains on my "to do" list, mostly due to it's popularity and consistent availability throughout the year. It wasn't however, I strain I planned to try soon. I wound up buying the flower on a whim and am glad I did. Mine rates between 25%-26% total THC. Consumption via S&B Mighty (Gen1). Nugs are robust and well formed. Cresco has a reputation for dry flower and this was no exception. While dry, it was still suple and not brittle. Dense nugs coated with fine crystaline trichomes abound. (Since opening, mine have been stored in an airtight mason jar with an Evergreen pod and they now have a much stickier feel when handling.) Impressions: Stronger medicine than I am yet fully accustomed to, so it caught me a little off-guard. One of the first strains that I've felt that rush when the high is coming on. Others report this as a creeper, and there is definitely a slow "undertone" that I felt in this strain that made me feel like I weighed a ton. Experienced super-massive, planet-crushing couch look with FMT, but along with it....FACE TINGLING! I loved it! I experienced tingling sensations with other strains of the "cookie" variety, but usually in my back, extremities, or...(ahem)..."ADULT" parts...lol! FMT, however was the first where my face actually tingled a bit. I had that "Ah ha" moment again with this strain and found it to be a very fun strain. I finished my day with this. Mind you, I smoked ALL DAMN DAY this day, which included some Jack Herer for my morning "shake and bake", followed by another (more neutral) hybrid at lunch and through afternoon. Found FMT to be a fantastic wind-down into some phenominal sleep. Sadly, I'm not able to detect too much variation in taste or flavor from most strains. I just don't experience the intense flavors that others describe in their reviews. FMT was no different. On the exhale it had a slightly spicy exhale, but it was subtle to me. Perhaps as the flower reabsorbs some moisture, maybe the taste will become more profound. All-in-all, FMT is a fun strain, with a respectable THC percentage, and some fun sensations. I would recommend.


Gelato was one of the first three strains that I purchased from a recreational dispensary in southern Illinois back in spring of 2021 and it was the first of the three that I finished. Overall, I really enjoy Gelato and appreciate it's legendary reputation as a well-balanced hybrid. Even at a lower THC percentage (mine tested at 22.3%), this strain provides a very lucid, yet highly relaxing and euphoric experience, complete with pretty good (calming) body effects and modest closed eye visuals (CEV?). At higher, more sustained doses, couch-lock can be pretty severe as is uncomfortable introspection (more on this later). A more recent experience with Gelato left me with a newfound appreciation, however: I recently underwent emergency gastrointestinal surgery which resulted in some serious life-style changes (a colostomy) and significant abdominal discomfort from the invasive nature of the surgery and extensive surgical scars. The surgery was two weeks ago and since then, I did not consume any cannabis products until I was safely off of prescription pain medicine. Gelato was the first strain I turned to once I decided to resume my cannabis regimen. I loaded up my S&B Mighty and settled in for an afternoon of watching Mastodon (hard rock band) album visualizers on TV while sitting in my recliner. What a phenomenal afternoon! The Gelato kicked in about 15 minutes after I took several decent hits (Seems like I always have delayed effects as compared to other users...). I felt myself sinking into my recliner, body totally at ease, arms resting on the rests, head supported by a very comfy pillow. I became absolutely mesmerized by the music and hypnotic artwork from the visualizer(s). Music and lyrics sounded so much clearer and richer. Colors and artistic details were so much more vibrant and captivating. My mind just got lost on the music and lovely colors...lol. FOR HOURS. I continued to take moderate, sustained hits every 20-30 minutes thereafter, for about two hours which allowed me to find and maintain a very nice high that extended well into the early evening hours. I did struggle with some significant couch lock, after the first hour and had to force myself to rise from the chair eventually (to feed!) During this period, I also practiced some guided mental imagery meditation and reiki yoga tools while high on Gelato. To this end, I envisioned a bright orange and yellow light, that slowly expanded from my left hand to fill my entire body with a warm, restorative feeling of benevolence and healing. I swear it made my stomach and surgical wounds feel as if they were non-existent. In my mind, I knew that I'm going to survive this period and will everything will be o.k. in time. It was seriously the best I've felt in two weeks. Much needed peace and acceptance was found. The warming energy continued to fill me until my body couldn't contain all of the energy and it began to geyser forth from my head, radiating out to friends and loved ones in a white-hot and shimmering rainbow of gold & silver sparks. It was one of the benevolent feelings I've ever had, like I genuinely wanted to share the same restorative feeling with my wife and loved ones. It was a supremely loving feeling and just felt so good...better than any prescription pain medicine for sure. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, though, and Gelato warrants consideration for two reasons: 1. Overly introspective thought is common with this strain. I often catch myself thinking about things that I prefer not to think about: work, doctor visits, concern over inter-personal relationships, and stress of imagined future confrontations. I often find that Gelato allows otherwise insignificant and inconsequential thoughts that would usually be swept off into the periphery of my consciousness, to take center stage and dominate thought to the point of unpleasantness and paranoia. I often have to redirect thoughts back to more "positive" venues to avoid anxiety and agitation. As such, Gelato is best consumed when you can really focus on something very enjoyable or pleasurable to ensure the mind doesn't wander to darker streams of consciousness. 2. Munchies: expect them on this strain. Maybe because my digestive system is still healing and I lost so much weight recently, but about half-way through my most recent session, I was possessed by a ravenous case of the munchies. I devoured ice-cream, pretzels, more ice-cream, bananas, a mango, and then more ice-cream. I've had munchies before, on this strain, but never like this. Thank the gods that I need to gain weight, because Gelato provides a sure-fire mechanism to do so, lol. Overall, Gelato is great. The dense, tightly bound nugs impart an earthy, sweet smell on the exhale that is reminiscent of fresh cut hay. I can't describe the terpene profile as eloquently as others, but it is definitely "sweet" and lives up to its namesake. It's aroma definitely makes one want to consume this wonderful flower. Gelato is a very enjoyable strain, indeed, and the only reason I can't give it 5 stars is due simply to the overly-introspective thoughts that it seems to produce.

Double Durban

OMG, what a great day today with Double Durban. Actually, my strain is Double Durban Kush (DDK), as purchased from a dispensary in southern IL a few weeks ago. Started vaporization of a few small cones of DDK around lunch time in my brand new S&B Mighty. Initially started off at low temps so I could enjoy the range of terpenes. I've found that I don't really get much flavor on the draw with the Mighty, but rather when I exhale the vapor. DDK had some very pleasant, earthy aromas which made me think of mushrooms and loamy forrest soil covered in moss. That's not to say it wasn't pleasant, because it definitely WAS great flavor. There was also a slight undertone of citrus and maybe something floral, such as lavender or sage. Don't know how to describe the flavor, but it was very good! I started off low and slow with DDK. Initial draws left me feeling modest up-lift and clear-headedness. Nothing over-whelming. There was a slight tingle that began at the base of my spine and slowly spread throughout my extremities. Very coherent and able to function around my family without anyone suspecting that I was high (wife is also a smoker). Later in the day, during a heavy thunderstorm, while everyone else was asleep, I really started hitting the DDK hard at higher temperatures and with much longer, full-lung inhales that I often held for 10-15 seconds. This was when the DDK really came into its own. I expereinced a very arousing high. Not going to lie, I didn't expect this, but I found myself getting physicaly aroused and caught off-guard with feelings of desire and lust, lol. Not to mention that the very pleasant tingling sensations in my back and extremities returned. I felt like I could completely relax every muscle in my body. I sort of melted into my recliner and definitely could have stayed there, but I was able to break the couch-lock feeling without too much effort to go about normal functions such as eating dinner and helping out with house-hold chores. Back pain? GONE! (Odd, I thought, in consideration of this hybrid strain having no CBD indicated on the lab label.) This strain is awesome. I felt care-free and totally mellow, but not stoned to the point of lethargy (until right before bed, anyway...) As bed-time approached, I took some massive draws at around 385F. Wonderful clouds of vapor bellowed forth on each exhale. As I brushed my teeth and made ready for bed, the tingling sensation turned to warmth and my eyes started to feel heavy. I laid down and within 15 minutes, was sound asleep. Some of the best, most restorative sleep resulted. I woke this morning feeling free and clear of worry or concern. Back and shoulder pain non-existent. Damn, I love this strain. This is living!

Mystery Cookies

New cannabis consumer here (<1mo at time of writing). Mystery Cookies (MC) was the first strain of flower that I every used with a vaporizer. It was a very enjoyable experience and is the first flower (of three strains that I tried so far) that provided a good high without a lot of violent coughing and paranoia. I love the tingling and the up-lifted, clear headed feeling it produces. I purchased 3.54g from a dispensary in southern IL a few weeks ago. It was harvested in February, packed in April and (for the last week anyway) stored in an Evergreen jar with an Evergreen pod to keep it fresh. I used a brand-new S&B Mighty to try out MC at various temperatures throughout an afternoon. I didn't detect much flavor on my first several draws at low temperatures, but the flavors really present themselves on the exhale with a good cloud of vapor. There is definitely coffee or vanilla theme on the pallet. The aroma isn't skunky or overly pungent, but a nit smokier or spicy. I began to feel a calming pressure behind my eyes within 3-5 minutes, followed soon thereafter with a very lovely tingling sensation that began at the base of my spine and radiated upward to reach my finger tips. I do suffer from chronic back pain as result of stenosis, damaged discs, and arthritis, so some pain relieve is one of my goals for smoking. Although I can't say MC took all my pain away, it DID greatly help my back muscles relax so that some relief was felt. In fact, I found that although I was able to remain fully coherent and aware of my surroundings, MC was calming enough to allow me to meditate more effectively, thereby relaxing clinched muscles. I just felt good. Euphoric wouldn't be an accurate description, but very up-lifted and worry-free would describe my overall experience. I was still able to retain adequate focus and situational awareness to have conversations, follow a recipe and even make a short drive, although I did experience some forgetfulness and confusion while at the grocery store (though that isn't uncommon for me anyway, lol). I was able top achieve and maintain a very comfortable high all afternoon and right up to bed time. Baked wood-fired pizza and ate dinner, which tasted fantastic. Watched a movie, which seemed much more vivid and intense. I felt like I was into the movie more and really thinking of all kinds of different ideas associated with the characters and plot. I then went to sleep which was some of the most relaxing and restorative sleep I've had in two weeks. Worth noting is that I started out vaporizing this flower around 185 degrees around noon and kept taking two or three good, heavy draws, at increasingly higher temperatures throughout the entire afternoon. By 9:00 pm, I was up 400F and the flower still tasted good, with more "layers" of the calming, tingly relaxation washing over me in successive waves right up to laying down to go to sleep. I really enjoyed this experience and am very happy to make such a life-changing discovery. My first-hand experience with different flowers is very limited at this point, but of the three strains I tried so far, Mystery Cookies is hands-down the best.

Lime OG

OMG, what happened!?!? Smoked half of a pre-roll of Lime OG produced by Justice Grown and today around 8:30 a.m. Decided to grill and just hang out around the house and enjoy a nice leisurely day around the house. I'm still very inexperienced and have only tried Slurricane twice before, prior to trying out the Lime OG. Smoked half of this joint with my wife last night and felt pretty good, but not like this morning...Holy Crap, this stuff did a number on me: First off, the effects come on with a force this morning. Within about 10 minutes of finishing the roach, waves of euphoria and "chillness" washed over me. Much more rapid onset than my prior expereinces with Slurricane Decided to go sit on the front porch and enjoy the morning trip: wind-chimes were gently making music in the morning breeze, birds were chirping, fountain bubbling gently. My gosh, it was so relaxing. I sat in a nice, meditative position and seriously just zoned out with my eyes closed and let the waves of euphoria wash over me. Such vivid designs and colors flashing across my eyelids...think I fell asleep and woke feeling a little spooked. Went inside and decided to sit in silence. Head was spinning. Started to get more concerned, so I went to lay down. Laid for a while, then I started to feel nauseous. Got sick twice, though I can't be sure it was connected to the Lime OG (though I suspect it was). Slept for a few more hours. Woke around 1:00 pm, thinking it was only 10:00 or so, but it was much later in the day. The nausea passed and I had the most fantastic shower of my life, LOL. Rest of the day, right up to this point, I was blessed with the most chill, easy-going feeling. Able to have coherent conversations, enjoy food, and walk around without the paranoia and anxiety. Lesson learned: I still have much to learn about dosing. Lime OG isn't for a beginner to burn through an entire half-gram joint, LOL. Definitely got "too high" this morning, but man my afternoon was fine! Love the euphoric feeling Lime OG produces, but I hope I don't overdo it like I did this morning. My first 3-4 hours with Lime OG was definitely a roller-coaster ride.


First time smoker here. Never smoked cigarettes. Never got high until now (I’m 43). Decided to finally take care of that bucket list item... Recently purchased several strains from a dispensary in Illinois, including two pre-roles of Justice Grown Slurricane that tested around 21-22% THC. Smoked the first with my wife, who got very high. Due to my inexperience and improper smoke technique, I didn’t feel anything, but my wife reported feeling VERY chill and body heavy. Lots of head rolling and mumbling about pretty colors, LOL. Definitely locked her in her chair for 30-45 minutes. I think the pre-roll burned to quick or too hot, because neither of us detected any of the pleasant flavors reported by other users. I tried again, last night, with the second pre-roll. Took my time. Concentrated on my inhalation, with smaller puffs coupled with copious amounts of oxygen as I filled my lungs. This joint definitely had a better taste, although I didn’t detect a lot of sweetness, mostly just pine. Smoked half the joint in about 10-15 minutes and didn’t really feel anything. Put out the joint and resigned myself to another failed session, but then it hit me...waves of an uplifting, relaxing feeling. Head definitely started getting light. Eyes were heavy, but not sleepy. Sat back down and was soon awash in a swimming feeling. Feet and hands felt like they were encased in concrete. The floor felt like it was spinning beneath my chair. TV seemed much more interesting. Everything seemed more vivid and beautiful. After about an hour, I went to bed and slept better than I have slept in many months. Not really sure if my experience is or will be the same as others, but I enjoyed this. I just hope I can learn to enjoy it more. I feel like I’m getting there, but my inexperience as a smoker is limiting my experience.