
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total


I am a long time smoker and I'm a salty, old, bastard. I have chronic stomach issues and a back ain't worth a beat dick! Canna Tsu is hands down, THE BEST ganja I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Doesn't do a whole lot in helping my stomach but good God all mighty the pain really does ease. Keeps me from having to take pills that do agitate my system. And the mental clarity.. I tell my wife, "Hon, it's like a whole new drug." I can smoke anytime of day and I swear my mind, becomes more clear. Its incredible. Go get u some!


first of all, very unique interesting taste in which i would lean on the side of loving. the high came on quick and was a kind of high some veterans like myself cant always get anymore. cerebral indeed and energetic. introspective and productive. wouldnt really care to be around folks, but i could. not hungry, but nothing i can find really makes me hungry anymore. (depression side effect) theres a haze that lingers thats pretty pleasurable but the actual high wore off pretty quick for me. lsd will make for a great morning medication as it gave me energy and didnt make me dumb, its pleasurable enough and would for the most part wear off by the time i walk in the office and say goodmorning to my boss. but dont take my word for it.. go get high my brothers and sisters.