
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total


I am a lightweight, let's put that out right away. I don't like being 'high', but I like to relax. Hubs and I are older and a little sketch about the shit the kids are smoking these days. We don't dube often, so there's that. I got a free pre-roll of this strain with a delivery order, and it being heavy indica I was a little worried. I approached cautiously--one puff. Niiice. About 20 min later, I look another. Niiiiice. About 15 min later I took another. Reeeeealllly niiiiiiiiiiicccceee. The odor is kinda sweet, no cough, a little dry-eye but no dry mouth (I hate that) and best of all, ZERO MUNCHIES. In fact it acted like an appetite suppressant, for me at least--huge bonus. I'll get this again fo sho.

Lamb's Bread

I am not a pot head. I don’t like to be high and have felt this way since the kids came. I am, however, in chronic pain (broken back, tweaked knee) and putting off surgeries I fear I’ll need. I finally got a medical card, something I thought I’d never do. But enough about me. The Lambs Bread was recommended to me based on my symptoms on my very first visit to the store. Since YOUR pot isn’t the same as MY pot all those years ago, I was very careful with that first pop of the cherry. The teeniest of nuggets hit me right away and the pain in my knee subsided immediately and I was able to walk around, write, function. And for that I am grateful. Subsequent uses yielded the same and I think I needed to retire to the couch once. Right now I’m very mellow but talkative and alert. I can get up and move around, because I’m not too high in the head and I’m not in pain. Some face/forehead pressure and I’m a little overwarm but I want weight on me, like a blanket. I’m a novice at this so I’m going to try others but I really love this little lamb.