Black Mamba
My favorite dessert.
Tastes like: eating a bowl of fruit loops after a hike in the PNW.
I felt: happy, chill, reduced anxiety
I use it to: turn off work, not take things too seriously, tolerate or even enjoy things I hate like working out, relax that tight feeling in my throat when my about is high
I am at least a moderate consumer with a higher tolerance, but this may be a stronger strain to people who consume less.
How I recommend trying this for the first time: Go pick up some fruit loops and your favorite milk, shower and get into your comfiest slumber party attire. Get that Netflix queue out Golden Girls up and fix all the snackies for you and your pets. Take one hit on a low setting for full flavor. If/when you’re ready for a second, try it on a medium setting for a fuller effect.
This miss congeniality of a strain is a national treasure.