
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Curaleaf - Worth (Recreational)

I've been a medical customer at this location since well before legalization. I tip graciously (10-20 dollars per weekly/biweekly visit). I respect customer facing roles because I understand how hard it is to work in the service industry. Today will be the last day I come any windy city cannabis store. At 6pm after placing my order I was held up in traffic after work. i called them at 6:10 to ask if they could stay open an additional 5 minutes since my gps told me thats when id arrive since they close at 7:00. the person I spoke with said "yes come as soon as you can". I arrived at 7:02. I called the store and someone who may or may not have been the same person said in a very snobby condenscending tone "we close at 7:00." I explained the situation and she said "our system shuts down at 7 and theres nothing I can do." After a brief pause I explain i just drove an hour to get there but she did not relent. i considered arguing how it was that a cash only facility could have a "system shut down" but I understood it didnt matter. I started to put my wallet away and sure enough a young lady I had dealt with on several ocassions in the past was handing something to someone, out of the side door directly infront of my car. I called to her. She recognized me and called out my name. again I explained the situation but gave me the same line about "the system". She followed up with "if I knew ahead of time I could do something" I explained I did call ahead. she added that the person I spoke with it was just a answering service person and no one at the store... at that point I left. Im still trying to figure out where I could find a carrier pigeon fast enough to ask the store to stay open. additionally why does the answering machine ask what location to call in the automated prompt if it doesnt matter anyway.... its december 23rd... they close at 4pm tommorow because christmas eve. Ill be at work until 6pm. Again Im a true blue medical patient. i rely on it. This is only one of the many stories I could tell about the questionable bs that been goin on since the change. I've stayed because about 70% of the time things go well despite the price and nonsense policies... but tonight was rough and Christmas will be rougher.