
member since 2016

Recent Reviews6 total


I'm definitely very high, but it's a mixed bag-- I'm not sure I'm focused enough to do anything with this creative energy, and although it's a pleasant experience, I can't tell yet if this incredibly relaxed but awake feeling is going to tip over into a pillowy-soft, luxurious snooze or a need to lovingly glue myself to my monitor and draw intricate detail while drowsily conscious. I believe, friends, that this is what they call *baked*. I'd say it's couchlocky except that I'm writing this review, and I'm not sure if that's enough productivity to disqualify it. It does feel like I could push through and focus, awake, if I wanted to. Whenever I focus enough to write a sentence, though, it's like breaking through thin, tinkling ice crystal sheets like harmless, fast-melting glass. Only... not wet. I'm bumping this up from a 3 star to 4, because it feels like it could be a useful tool and it's potent, even if I'm not sure yet what I would use it for. 3 for effects, 4-5 for strength, say.

Blueberry Dream

I had Blueberry Dream in concentrate form as the first-ever thing I vaped. It felt gentle but swift, and deceptively strong. It lifted my head up in a slightly disconnected way that put distance between my stresses and worries and me, while also giving my body a warm, comforting glow. My heart glowed hardest, like I was radiating (and feeling!) pure love for everyone I care about, past and present, friends and family and pets. There was also definite spacing out, where I lose track of bits of time just thinking-- and then I forget for a moment what I was thinking. Blueberry Dream is a 4 for me. It was a nice entry point, gentle with a beginner and effective, but I'm not sure it's in my top 5. Top 10, maybe. I was also hoping for more creativity from it, but that's not really my experience with it. It's pleasant enough to get lost in while I'm working on art, it lets me focus and get all wrapped up in painting or the written word, but it doesn't actively inspire me with a need to create. And then, about two hours later, it puts me to sleep.


I had Blueberry Dream in concentrate form before Blueberry, as the first-ever thing I vaped. Blueberry, I tried as freshly-grown and quick-dried flower without a proper cure-- the tip of the top cola had to come off because there was mold reaching up toward it in the buds below. It might have been an early harvest, but the buds were so dense and sticky that I thought I'd better get it drying before more mold set in. The early sample of Blueberry was intoxicating and took me back to the first time I really experienced weed: with its daughter Blueberry Dream. It was a very similar high, gentle but swift and deceptively strong. It lifted my head up in a slightly disconnected way that put distance between my stresses and worries and me, while also giving my body a warm, comforting glow. My heart glowed hardest, like I was radiating (and feeling!) pure love for everyone I care about, past and present, friends and family and pets. I'm getting all that again with Blueberry, with no real difference between the two experiences. There is also definite spacing out, where I lose track of bits of time just thinking-- and then I forget for a moment what I was thinking. I have read that an early harvest will give you the plant at its more psychoactive. I'm definitely getting hit hard and strong by this lady-- way harder than with Blueberry Dream!-- even though I mauled off plenty of kief going through the bud for mold and ripping it into small bits by hand. Then the method of drying was to sandwich them in tinfoil and heat them at 250 F for twenty minutes, flipping them over at the middle mark. I'm pretty sure that's completely terrible for getting a sense of what the bud would be like as quality weed that's been properly dried and cured for months, and I'm still getting my socks knocked off over here. If it gets significantly stronger, it might be able to challenge Candyland for the most powerful effects I've ever felt. I'm calm, relaxed, focused if I work at it and that keeps me alert too, dissociated from my physical body enough that it's almost like watching a movie, but not worried about it. I feel safe, like being held in a really good hug. Loud, sudden noises are a bit more jarring, but don't scare me-- I'm not anxious. I can sort of maybe tell that I could be, but I consciously push it away firmly, like "no, thank you--" and that works. The strength and pleasantness of this surprised me. It's euphoric for the heart that just wants a sea of calm and some renewed faith that things are going to get better, that the future is near and holds both the joy of creation and success. Blueberry Dream is a 4 for me, but Blueberry herself, at least in this plant, is a 5.

Chemdawg #4

This is my first strain review, inspired by realizing that vaping this flower has not only lifted the early-midlife-crisis anxiety swirl of "I've wasted so much of my life! what have I even accomplished? What does it all meeeeeean?" that had started to plague me, but is also giving me positive creative energy. It's made me think about the various projects I have in the air with renewed excitement, reminded that there are things I do that matter to other people and make their lives nicer places-- it grounded me again and chilled me back out. It made me think about the meaning of happiness, and I feel this guilty feeling at typing such a terrible cliche, but it's true. I did do that, and it was pretty nice. What I'm getting at here is that this really worked for me to combat the bad kind of introspection and stave off hours of feeling woe-is-me, so maybe it will for you, too. It's also one of very few strains I've tried that had "creative" listed as a trait and really lived up to it. I definitely feel high, but I'm also plenty focused enough to write this review, and I feel really awake despite being relaxed. I also feel like if I try to go to sleep instead of using this energy to make some art or accomplish something else productive like dishes, I'll be able to zonk out no problem. Chemdawg #4, I think you and I are staying friends for a long time. This is one I'd like to keep in my stash for creative energy, productivity, positive introspection, and a nice heavy-hitting de-stresser.


This one has never really lived up to the hype for me. I tried a cartridge of vaped concentrate periodically over months, and it was always just ok. I do mean it's ok, not bad-- it doesn't give me paranoia, and it does gently help depression and pain, but it's not the pillowy good-mood hammer for me that other strains like Chemdawg #4 and Candyland are. Maybe I react differently to it than most do, or maybe I've just never had a really good batch. I would certainly try it again from a different company or as flower to find out, but I also won't go out of my way to look for it. If a genie appeared with bud in both closed hands and asked me to choose between GSC or something else I'm interested in trying, I would almost certainly try the new thing instead.

Have a Heart - Skyway

These folks are great! Clean and well organized shop, super professional feel, very friendly and very helpful. I love coming here to discover new strains and get advice on effects! Shout out to Bonya and Bailey for being great at answering my many questions about strains. I finally joined Leafy to review them, after using it as a guest account for months, that's how much I like and recommend them!