
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total

Purple Candy


Toronto Dispensary {The}

I'm very fortunate that I came across this amazing service! As I suffer from severe cronic pain and sleep issues as well as mental disorders and depression/anxiety because of an unfortunate and devastating life changing work accident, I've been forced to take a lot of medication that is not good for my liver or kidneys, as well as other unpleasant side effects. Untill; I came across medical marijuana! Using it I'm able to manage my pain much better and treat/controll my anxiety and depression. Also I'm able to get out and have a good time with friends without the lack of self confidence and relentless anxiety. I have tried many different companies for obtaining my medicine and I have to say The Toronto Dispensary has to be number 1! Best selection/Quality that you could ask for and a very friendly & knowledgeable staff. I'm now starting to come off my pharmaceutical drugs and with the help of TTD I'm confident that I will be able to switch completely over to medical marijuana which will give me a better chance to live a long, meaningful and happy life. Thank you TTD

Purple Candy

I noticed a big difference in my state of depression(reduced significantly); lowered anxiety; very relaxed and able to not focus on my pain. Overall I'd say it's a 10 outta 10