
member since 2014

Recent Reviews47 total

Orange Crush

pulled a fat fucking bonghit of this red haired turd bud, followed by a shot or 3 of tequila. have you ever noticed how staying high all day is the greatest anti- depressant of all? fuckin a.

Acapulco Gold

dude... this was a qp of straight up mexican mid grade acapulco gold. textbook get some shit done sativa. i blasted the whole thing ang got this patron anejo colored earl, vacuum purged it into an aged agave colored golden sap. let it kick it on a shelf for a day in the room temp air. fucking mexi shatter, bro. i cleaned my kitchen, did some laundry, at some green beans with swiss cheese melted all over it. might wash my car.

Sour Diesel

been without meds for days. fell asleep around 11:30 still waiting on the impending delivery. woke upjust after midnight to the sound of trees banging on my door. three bonghits later its 2:34 am and i finished some laundry, did a pedicure on my dawgs, and had some tomato soup. gonna pull another rip or two and see what else needs. done. oh, hell yeah, medicine bag is full.


the first grow i ever saw in person was afghani. my first attempt to cultivate consisted of a silly little ol 150wtt HPS light , an afghani clone, and the bottom of a towel closet at the end of a hallway. this is the strain responsible for my love/lust/addiction to couch-lock inducing flowers. instant ADHD medicine. i just found an almost forgotten, gallon size baggie in the freezer that i'd originally gotten full of afghani BHO. Its freezer-safe plastic insides were COATED like a bukakke queen's face after a Peter North money shot. i've scraped up dab after dab until im partially deaf (its all good) and slumped over forward in my chair gazing at a pretty fair sized pile of cheeto dust that has formed between my flip flops (and pretty much all around me), and what was that i was talking about? aww, hell, dont even matter. gitchya some.

Sour OG

it sounds funny when i read it aloud, but i was fortunate enough to come across this about twelve hours before a mad man road raged right into me at 70mph and after checking in with several other animate/inanimate objects of either mostly concrete or mostly steel, i finished my knievei-like stunt show by sliding under an 18 wheeler's trailer, losing my prelude's roof, and somehow exited said trailer and ending up with me, gracie, (man's best friend), and the now convertible honda sitting calmly on the side of the road. after sipping on some cold bottled water provided ny a witness, all i could think about was horking down some HUMONGUS bong loads of the sour, being well aware of the pain free, super happy high that this flower done brung. well, the wreck was thursday morning, its now the following monday, and im so fucking pain free that ive eaten every bit of crunchy food in the house, and this chinese eyed cowboy can now get on with getting on with it, ya know whutimean?

Snow White

nice nugs, a little moist. first time checking it out. made 14g of oil and it kept leering at me crom the oil slick pad. " hey daddy, i know you can smell it." do what? i swear to god i heard her say something. "oooh, daddy......come over here and get yer nose all up in it." im not even ripped in the least, and there's no TV or music on in the background, i live alone, and gracie the pit bull rarely speaks. what the fuck is that voice? "im just a little flower.... dont be afraid......" i opened my mouth and took her inside of me, and she was warm, and she was fuzzy, and i mowed the yard cradled in her sweet, semi narcotic embrace. i dozed of after in the shade of a pecan tree to the smell of freshly cut grass, and gracie and i were happy in the warm texas sun.

NYC Diesel

i think that for halloween, this flower should dress as "STANKENSTIEN". i ran 28g of fresh nugs in yo a long, slow heat purge, and the pale yellow extract i ended up with split my goddamn wig back. super smooth, diesel- chemical taste, pungent citrusy lime terps, no cough on the finish. i quicly realized the pebble sized dab was about twice as big as. was needed, but what the fuck? i enjoy so much the menopausal hot flash thats follwed by chills as my sinuses liquify, snot starts to run, my knees briefly buckle, and i promptly lose most of my hearing. for the briefest moment a thought crystallizes.....i feel like i could totally die, but its not in the least a negative sort of feeling. please, sir, may i have another?



Rock OG

This is supposedly the offspring of afgoo x someother afgoo x skunk x korean skunk x OG kush. I only made it through honors pre-algebra, so that many x's just confuse me unless they are are involved in some sort of movie rating system. What i DO know from personal experience is i cant even remember what malady i was stricken with when i medicated with this shit. Hell, its been like four months since i smoked it, and i just now remembered that i needed to write a review. I dont care WHAT has you down, , find some of this ASAFP and get it in you!

Blue Cheese

Mid size, tight nugs. Dense, proper finish. Two solid bong rips and within two minutes my left ear stops working and after a few more minutes i realize im staring in to spce, open mouthed, the how to flip real estate with no money or sense infomercial reduced to a low hum in the background. Burritos, bro. fuckin a.