
member since 2013

Recent Reviews22 total

Monster Cookies

Monster Cookies: Premier Grand Cru Classe ----- What do I think? Ok. Here goes. …. I've smoked strains with little visible trichomes, and still gotten very stoned. And... Ive smoked strains with little visible frost, and been very disappointed. But... whenever I've smoked strains absolutely smeared in ice droplets and thick frosty fields, I always get smacked in the face with a good, if not great high. Monster Cookies is covered in crystal fields, so super saturated, the trichomes dominate the landscape. I always look with an 8x loop at the pot I buy. To see the trichome size, color, density... its everywhere on MC. Its beautiful to see and look at. Oh, shizzz… dont somke to much of this. You go right to couch lock down. All warm n fuzzy. Feels like I'm wearing head to toe bunny pajamas. Its awesome. I'm never coming out. The first hit I had of this was hours ago when my weed man came by. We dry herb vaped. My own homemade set up. Monster Cookie started as very up and chatty. We talked for a while. Very bright. Very uplifting. Its still that way. Just now, I feel the true power of this weed because Ive taken 2 more big packs since... and whammy. Its strong. And I am seasoned. Love it. For the first time in some time. I used the phrase, "I'm Baked". I haven't felt baked in a sometime. Well. Call me Betty Crocker. Cause I'm a baking fool. Some strains leave my brain cage space alone... other words, I feel high and I feel very clear... This Monster Cookie is NOT something I would do something too serious on. It creeps into my brain cage space. Which is great. I love it. Ugh, everything is so serious... except my 2 cats. What a life. I would buy a pound of this weed. Its that good. Novices go easy. This weed is not a high, its an adventure. Enjoy OccamsPhazer

Bruce Banner

(730 word review) Haven't even smoked any yet!! And i'm psyched! I've never had Bruce Banner before... so I saw that my delivery guy had it, and then of course i looked up a rating on Leafy! Boom 4.6 rating!! Damn! Ok, breaking up some bud now. It's so sticky!!The smell is wonderful and intense. Reminds me of Sour Diesel a lil bit. It has some pine scent, a little flowery petrol vibe... minus the bad fumes. Ok. Gonna pack a bowl and smoke some!! Here we go!! So, i just took a big ripe in real time, and i'm just gonna start writing and wait and see what happens and how. It hit nice. Not rough. It smokes clean and pure. I had some schwag weed the other day and it was rough as shit. Blah. This is the opposite experience. I'm about 3 minutes in, literally. And i do feel it starting to float into my awareness. It actually started in the center of my chest. I had a mild warm sensation. Then i felt it start to creep my frontal lobe, then jaw, to behinds the ears, and into my cheeks which now feel warm and fuzzy... it's very pleasant. Very uplifting and focusing. I was dead exhausted not 20 minutes ago. I've already trained clients and worked out twice today, and its not even 2:00pm. I still feel the tired. But it is now accompanied by a wonderful fuzzy warm beehive type feeling in my whole body, especially my neck cheeks and arms... nope wait, thats me on fire... ha! Kidding. No fire. But seriously. I do feel the body high of this. In one of the reviews a guy just wrote in ALL CAPS THAT HE WAS SO HIGH!! And now i see why. I'm stoned . Really stoned. And i'm a veteran of the green. I do 90% thc oils, dabs, hash, concentrates and edibles.... so usually when i smoke, i get mild meh high... Bruce Banner has gamma rays in it. I'm turning green. Growing in confidence. Reaching for more... wait, no... thats me turning into a plant. I'm a plant person now. So high and bombarded by extremely energetic thc particles that I've gone done it, like when Rick turned himself into Pickle Rick. Watch Rick and Morty. Anyways... I cant spell for shit on this weed. I've had to use spell check to check possible checks checked off, to gets the words right. Like simple words. Like simple. I spelled simpel. And usually missing the only a.... 'usully'. U sully. Wtf:) It must be the weed. Even Bruce got dumb when he became the Hulk. So there it is.... Bruce Banner IS the HULK. And the Hulk is Bruce Banner. So in theory this weed could be called HULK. Or the Hulk within... because you definitely go through some changes when you smoke this weed. Now for instance... im rageful and i want to smash things... and I sure as shit didn't read that in any reviews. Jesh. Go figure. So the first half of the high is all smart and sciencey, in control, no torn shirts or pants, can talk to women, charming even. But then later in the high... Hulk comes out. No.. none of that happened. I just was kinda going with that riff. Well... cause i'm high and having fun... and that's the whole damn point for me. Cause it seems that everything else in my life feels so damn serious all the time... even play! WTF! Soo.. im not sure how long ive been writing this review? The high is still going very strong. No signs of backing off. Very heady now. And the body sensation is still there... very nice. And i didnt even pull two tubes....!! Just one....!!! So... what will this weed be like on the re-up??? you know. Cause some weed strains do not pick you up again if you smoke that second round... or they do only very mildly. I don't even want to do a second round... im cereal. There is no need... And whats makes this whole experience even better is that my neighbor is listening to Eddie Murphy's Raw, and i can hear it through the door... and he's doing the "You ain't got no Ice Cream..." bit. Hi, I'm Bruce Banner Wanna a lick? Sike...! Love, The Hulk

Maui Wowie

Wowie! It's been a while! I was re reading some of my reviews. I miss writing them. Seems years ago. Anywho... we're here to review:) Yep, I still rhyme a bit. Maui Wowie: Brass Knuckle Concentrate. Hope what I bought was real. On BK's website its only called Maui. Not Maui Wowie. Hits like its real. Thats 4 sure. Going on about an hour now, pretty floaty and pleasantly high... not buzzed. No buzz here. This is low wavelength weed. Nice and Wavy. Dammit I wish I was at the beach in the sand... as opposed to my apartment in NYC. It's that kind of high. I didn't really feel it before. But now I kinda want to get up and go go... go out into the sun and play for the duration of the day. This weed does have some pick me up. Even writing a review. Clearly not one of my zanny reviews. This seems pretty straight forward. But then... that's my mood. Maui is good i think for depressed types, but then again... anybody who's ever been to Maui probably feels its timeless floaty narcissism, its anti howly vibes, and the call of the 4x4 truck. Clearly I wasn't a fan of Maui, or Hawaii in general... But this is Maui Wowie... and I'm finding it much nicer. Ah, fck it.... don't get too critical. Just press "Save My Review". Love, OccamsPhazer

Romulan Grapefruit

Diaries of a Vapire: Ive been using Stizzy Pens for most of the last year. In my opinion, the best cartridge on the market in terms of purity, cleanliness, consistency, and potency. All Stizzy taste great. Anyway... my delivery dude was out, and I instead got King Pen Romulan GF. What a disappointment. So hard to go to a lower grade everything. Taste. Draw and airflow. Color, scent and plume. The high felt 'dirty' by comparison to Stizzy's solid packed 85% thc level. KP was an 82%. But who cares. The high has little to do with the thc only... I think this is my 1st 3 star, count em, three *** review. Too bad. What a waste. I bought a whole grams worth. I mean Im buzzed. But its not very enjoyable. And it doesnt last nearly as long. Stizzy im good for at least 2-3 hours. This KP, Im hitting it like child abuse is going out of style. Ultimately, edibles are best for me... Cali Gummies to be sure. I can control dosage much easier, and the highs are less subjective. I dont like being 'high', I like a soft light background on which to walk the earth... the one i got at birth, hurt. So the soft glowy, low toned, wavy pick me up does the trick. The concentrates Im finding, are just too strong. They really put me another lever deeper than i want to be at this point in life. One of these days Id like to stop all together. But then Id have to deal with what drives me to pot in the first place.(Not) And handle it differently. I feel i have to. There are side effects, for me, from getting too stoned, too much, for too long, as well as too often-like always. My mind wasn't meant for that. Its tinkering with my thinkering. Cheers, OccamsPhazer

Blue Dream

A few months back my delivery service starting selling Stiiizy Pens and Pods. The kit and the extract. I was dubious at first. So many e-pens going through, poor quality and consistency of product. Over burning. Where a product ought to last 4 days but lasts only two due to poor conversion of concentrate to heat to flashing and then to vapor. At any rate. I was frustrated with a sheer lack of quality control. Stiiizy has been the answer thus far. Its highly rated. A sturdy number of positive reviews over time. Very good quality control and consistency of product. Gelato is always the same light amber color. Blue Dream is always the same slightly darker amber color. All the pods fill the same. Package is well designed, sturdy, and sealed the same. Not tamper proof, i suppose, for i get them third or fourth party, no customer service for me. And i pay a markup for sure. So it's a relief when the boxes are sealed and everything looks and smokes the same way every single time. I get a leakey pod now and again. Only 1 in 15 i think. On to the Blue Dream.(or not....) Stiiizy makes a great pen for pulling huge tubes. I mean the control i get on the draw is so smooth and effortless. Often pens and cartridges can have subtle differences in how they pull, and they have often felt hard to control, or I feel i have had to 'work' to pull air too much. Not so with Stiiizy. Consistency over time. Its economical. I'm not wasting weed. I'm not wasting a buzz. I'm not wasting money. Big bang for the buck! Right! Hmmm. Or is it too big of a bang for the buck? Or did i just utter words unheard of by weed connoisseurs? How can it be too big? Or, too high? Say whatttt... For starters, it's all over 85% thc. It's a lot. This Blue Dream has me in a thorazine shuffle currently. I've had two huge hits. Just cause its so easy with a Stiiizy pen. Watching each little bubble slowly make its way up through the heavy syrupy resin. Each a vaporized resin particle. Its kinda sad watching the chamber empty over time. Which brings me to a serious point. With many cartridges, Stiiizy included, when you get down to the last 2 or 3% of your concentrate, the burn changes. The plumb obviously softens. And it tastes very different. I try to avoid smoking these or any cartridges dry as if i were a starving vampire. The high feels dirty to me. But hell, sometimes dirty will do. Ive always loved Blue Dream for its floaty high. So i was super stoked to see it in the lineup of the stuff my delivery 'person' had on him. Stiiizy Blue Dream. Nice. I'm gonna tell you straight out the box... It's much nicer than Stiiizy's Gelato, which is saying a lot about the pedigree of Blue Dream. It easily out classes many of the other Stiiizy's I've tried. SV OG, Strawberry Cough, Skywalker OG, Grand Daddy Purp... Blue puts em all in the winged angels dust. Trust me. My mood is one of a heavy nature. And this Blue Dream just floated me up into another perspective. Really craving an episode of Rick and Morty bout now. Or or,,, maybe a walk in Central Park. I'm not couch locked. I could get up, in this humidity, if.. i wanted to. I just dont want too. I've snacks here anyways. Yeah, good weed gives good munchies. Hey Folks. Good to write a review again. It was too long. Keep fighting the good fight, and we'll see ya around the universe. OccamsPhazer

Golden State Banana

Golden State Banana nana fo fana fee fi fo fana I just smoked a bit of you and now i’m kinda in a jamma a slamma a seaside cabana with an amaretto slammer and a hammer hee haw’n a clamour to the goddamn moon! Holy shit i say when and yet here we are at it again Killing more brilliant brain cells just to sell the terry william tell of the tail as i wail and sail, your heart off into words of ocean deep ink, to sink, your pain. No number of accolades satisfy to serenade sufficiently this deliciously sowed seed! 15 out 10 stars.

Space Candy

Review # 312.098A Technician ID. 420420 Method: Combustion Device: HomeMade Gravity Water Bong w/flow control and advanced carb system. Quantity: Half a Cap Full, if the cap was a Pepsi Cap. Plume: An Atomic Dense full 2 Liters. I am going to do this review in a robot voice... Sorry dawgs, I's got trippen in some of my last reviews, whew, a little heavy. Lets bring it back to the weed. One must ride out those periods, as best they can. When it's heavy. And that's life. Oh, by the way, the robot voice is inside my head. You have to add your own robot voice. I think it reflects, it, being some of those reviews, an interesting period. I was getting into concentrates, oils, waxes and the like... All that came about because of some dude who worked in my crew; he had it. It was some crazy quest on my part to try to find the perfect high... the most up high... the high that would scratch the itch...and it was no go. None of those things did it. They made me feel almost 'dirty'. Something about those methods felt miles different than just smoking or vaping some bud. I don't think pot appreciated being used for those reasons either. OK. So why does this matter now?? Here's why. I just smoked some killer fucking weed. Like, I'm absolutely unabashedly totally trashed hee hee! And it's been forever since i've felt this quality, this kind, this 'how it should feel', high. The high is so uplifting. But I can't give all the credit to the pot alone. Its me. See. I'm a little more centered. I was going through some tough stuff when i was trying those really heavy methods... and i've worked some of that out... practically and emotionally... its called learning:) Anyway... so the bud meets me and I meet the bud..! Get it? Do you see? Before... i was relying on the weed to walk the whole way.. to do all the work... so i think it strained the high, as well the methods chosen to ingest. Whereas now... im bringing myself to the high, to the weed.. meeting it halfway. Putting that aside for the moment... Space Candy is mighty fine and dandy for a dollar weed, its parent seed, its breed, sets aside a creed all it own, damn kid, i'm in the zone. And if you could see me on my face it's shown, a radiated meditated Ohm, its frequency has a sequence see to me, known, its wild wind blown, and at times a little chilly like a frosty snow cone, but ive a cap on the dome, done the work & crawled (my way) home, started stoking up the center of my own hearth stone: I got an anvil of steel, a grinding wheel, plus enough life in me to seal the deal. Watch em kneel. Gonna build me an empire. Sire! Gonna lift populations up, by getting em higher. Fuck the pits and the mire. I retire. Time to rehire. New Blood! ++++Rhyme: It Happens. Wow. So love this weed. I'm gonna stick my nose in it right now, hold on... it's like walking through a pine forest, heavy, resin hues, a subtle old pleasant leathery smell, odd right? Bright, with a diesel-like citrusy scent to it. Gonna look under the hood with a 8x loop... one moment- fun... i saw what looked like two kinds of trichomes: very light and clear resins on the outer hairs and leaf, and then a layer down... a darker, almost amber, thick pellet or resin much larger in size. Its everywhere. I've seen 'shinier' bud, by far... but not nearly as nice, potent, long lasting... i see why people rated it happy! Its not happy for me... its beautifully light... who knows, maybe its the same. Subjectivity n all. There it is kids! A well rounded review. A little philosophy. A little personal psychology. Some pure bud talk. Some rhyme. And it's an hour in... and i'm still really stoned. I knew the minute i looked at the review score that it would be nice... 4.6. All the way. For me.... 5star++! Travel well, fellow travelers... OccamsPhazer

Shatter Unknown

Damn, I write some 'out of this world' "reviews'... is that what to call em? I read the last one and got to the end, where at the bottom of the page Leafly asks, Was this review helpful? I laugh a little inside and say to myself, probably not. Sigh... I can't help it. And here I am... at it again. A 3:43 WTF AM bought some shatter off a friend and decided to try it just now because my mind and thus sleep, troubled. And dammit, in this plot twist is a girl. And no... not even going there. Anyways... I call it Shatter Unknown simply because I don't know what kind of shatter it is. What a horrible name, right. Shatter. Ew.. gross. Ok, so whats up? Im new to this type of method. It's a waxy substance, and i use it in the other chamber that came with my Galaxy Kandypen. It has a coil unit to vap the wax. Also their is a ceramic hopper type add on for slower burning. Anyways... its seems a lot like hot plating, or hot knifing. How the Brits did hash. So.. is the all hype worth it? Is the supposed concentrate level of 80% plus thc all in a plumb up to snuff or up in smoke? Hmmm. Jury is still out. Its late at night. I'm tired. And it's really quiet. So of course, I feel the high in a pretty sensitive way. Its wavy. Kind of like an edible at pre peak. The high is deep. Of the methods between using the coil and the ceramic, the coil produces a mightier plume, by far. So it hits harder. The ceramic hopper produced smaller plumes, wispy even, but lasted longer in terms of overall pulls. So, maybe a good way to control dose! I can see myself using less of this, just because it's a little harder hitting. And then again its 4am and im hitting the pen like I hit my love life, full on and haphazardly. I cant speak for quality control and such. Who knows where this batch came from. That bothers me. I don't like getting some waxy looking stuff in a tiny plastic cap size container, where there are no markers or indicators of any kind. I'm pretty sure that when I buy again. That i'll re-up on KingPen 710. Not the Shatter Unknown. It wasn't an overall great experience. Maybe ill try it in the daylight and see. As i said... it's late, i'm tired, and my mind is combating a hostile takeover by passive aggressive attackers. Also the method doesn't seem as 'clean' as vaping an oil. Its harsher. I feel it. Well, this was a pretty straight forward review for me. How boring. Losing my touch... It's always something, huh? Here's to sticking to things that you know and love, that know and love you back!! OccamsPhazer

Cinderella 99+Alien

OK, a weird review. What's new? I wish that weed would always make me feel good, and less blue. Nope no and not, can't always look to the pot, more and more I gotta cope and deal with life direct, cause i cant connect to hope on the dope like I once did, feels like thoughs days or over, back in the past with that little beat up kid. So I mix the concoction, superpower wonder twins, activate, looking to win, a mighty good high and get blown out my socks son. I'm so high I could pop and lock some, anti-aircraft, shot syllables to sum, to some, blazing to the moon, cock rocking in a stocking mask pointing a gun. Letting a few rounds loose, just for fun, blowing out a tooth, with my showtime tricked out 1, 2, 3, show, ready it up n go automatic, buzzed up like a killer bee hyped up on some sweet ass static, a drama queen gone crazed and dramatic, well what can i say, ive a touch of the madness, and while i'm at it, i'm glad it, touched me as hard as it did. The pain didn't kill me, but now how to get rid...of the loneliness? If only this. My single wish. To love myself more, and touch pain with a kiss. I ride the wave, and fight another day as I can... how I can... where I can. Keep going with broken limbs, or build a death house- Wow, that got heavy quick... (WTMW) 'welcome to my world' Have a day friends.. don't smile unless you want to. OccamsPhazer


Hmm... The bag only said "Alien". It could be Ali OG or Kush for all I know. Maybe my bud guy got lazy and didn't take the time to put the whole name on the bag. It did resemble Alien OG. Tight compact nugs n such. Smells a lot like Sour Diesel. Stronger though. Just ripped a bong hit. Yeah yeah, I know, harder on the system than a vape or concentrate. After years of only using a vape, I've recently started going ol school, joints and an assortment of homemade bongs and pipes. All devices over constructed and more complicated than they ought need be. But hey. It's what I do. If I put as much time into creating a world saving energy device as I do constructing bud smoking contraptions, we'd all be living in the "Federation." You know, Capt Piccard style. FYI, whatever I'm smoking is pretty nice. Nicer than the Cinderella 99 even; that was just a few days ago. This bud has a nice float to it. It is very head trippy. Frontal lobe to be exact. A warm vibration of blues and yellows and reds comprise a sunrise over the space above my eyes I realize, what a surprise, I quitely surmised... yep stoned. Come on. We all know that nothing is for free. So how does this high wear off? It's still sitting nicely. It hasnt back off at all. It's probably been about 30 minutes as my sense of time goes. It's not a high that fires a great creativity or imagination. Its pretty straight forward, even if strong. Maybe cause it's a heady high.. kinda cerebral, and im that in spades already. Interesting mix. I don't like it when i'm stoned and my eyebrows furrow, as if i'm in deep contemplation. I like the opposite. Where my brow relaxes in realization. Softness. This high is on the side of softness thankfully, even though I feel pretty in my head at this point. For some reason this strain makes me want to eat healthy. I tried some Generals Tso's Chicken and about gagged. I was exponentially aware of the oils and greases. I'm not saying it inspired carrot eating. Just.. clean..?? So check this out... I'm a poet as well. I write some fun stuff. On the verge of launching a youtube channel. And I'm so freaking nervous about it. It sounds outrageous to me. Completely audacious. To imagine to aspire to such a thing!! I talk about family a lot, especially when its comes to pot. The high feels good when compared to how bad they made me feel about myself. People get down on pot, saying stuff like it makes you 'dumbed out'... I never feel that way. I honestly feel that using pot has helped me come to know better, heal from, and move through, a tremendous amount of pain and suffering at the hands and cruel minds of my parents. I have different ways of fighting back. Fighting for myself.. for my life. Sports and Reading sci-fi/fan are one. Writing is another. Poetry is another. Other stuff as well. But I really want to do this Poetry youtube idea. And if you read anything I write, of late especially, you know that the more I want something, the more I feel it as impossible for me to do. I feel the shame spark up. The 'don't you leave home and have a life for yourself'. Anyways... it'll be interesting. I'm not sure the role pot will play, if one at all. I think i'm gonna have another go round here in a second, do a re-up. Not that I need it. I could pop in a movie real easy right now... i'm gonna try chess. But, I think that will prove a risky endeavor. Can you say word salad?! I'm all over the place... ha. I blame the techno playing on my iphone. I'm too lazy to get up to turn it off. Yesss.. I know... go do it. OK peoples, time to sign off.... Oh, trust me. I could ramble forever.. but I try to keep it at least 50% pot related. OccamsPhazer highly recommends this weed... Call SETI, cause we going beep beep beep... Love, E-T