
member since 2016

Recent Reviews1 total

The Gallery - Tacoma

First let me start by saying I am a teacher and this store is no where near my home because I don't want to find out how "understanding" parents, teachers, principals would be seeing me leaving a dispensary, no matter HOW legal it is. I initially was using the "Spanaway" Gallery, but began using the "Tacoma" Gallery because it was closer to me. All experiences up to the final one I just had this past Tuesday have been good, but hey, when you're spending 100 bucks per visit (not a lot to the boss, but a lot from my meager pockets) people are going to be nice.... But you find out about customer service when you're RETURNING an item and NOT when you're spending the money. I purchased a 1 gram oil cartridge from Delta Vape Refill (Pineapple Express) on Monday, the 24th. I chose this one because it's one of the very few 1 gram cartridges for a reasonable price (40 bucks). Well I opened it, tried it, and it sucked right off the bat! It leaked, and also gave me a light, barely existent vape. No worries, I have my receipt, my original packaging and although it is a long drive back, I head back the very next day to "return/exchange for the same or similar product," as it says on the receipt. I walk in, the ID checker says, "oh you have a problem with the cartridge? They'll take care of you." Awesome. Walk in with my stuff, tell my story and the first thing I hear is, "Don't take anything out of the bag, and where's your receipt?" Weird greeting, like I'm a criminal. Never felt like that when I'm buying product...okaaaay. I do as I'm told, we walk outside in front of the building to have her attempt to fix my vape. Again, weird..why are we outside of the business, looking shady, when I'm simply here to return this product with all the proper documentation? She pokes into the vape line, attaches it to her battery then I take a puff. It works fine, except the other issue was the cartridge had also been leaking. I say to her, so if it continues to leak and I have to come back AGAIN, will you then take this back? She goes in and gets the receipt and says yes, but by that time, I'm thinking, why the HELL would I come back to this place, drive all the way BACK out here to feel like I'm trying to pull one over on the gallery, when I simply want a working product that I paid for, or a different cartridge? Very long story short? The cartridge still leaks (losing money), still sucks (don't buy Delta vape products, you'll be sorry), and I'm left saying heeell no I'm not driving out there again. I'll just find a different dispensary. Up to this point all had been well, and upon attempting to return a product (never have before) all was not well.