
member since 2010

Recent Reviews2 total


Mostly a nice body buzz but with some head buzz as well. It hits fast and your sitting down within a few mins as your body feels like gravity is super heavy and pulling you through the floor. Head feels high, giggles and talkitive feelings come on quick as well. The high lasts about 2-3 hrs, and then a super soft warm fuzzy comedown for about an hr after that. Best comedown I've had yet, such a great feeling! Movies and music are slightly different in a very cool way, but the feeling is mostly body buzz with happy, giggly, and euphoric feelings, fairly clear headed. Great night time bud, can easily fall asleep after the initial high, but doesn't make you sleepy per say. Great bud, very relaxing fun high. One of my favs so far, highly recommended!

White Widow

Comes on slow, then it's full on with the tingly sensations. Waves rush through and over your body. Things are somewhat trippy, time space is distorted. Intense for about 2 hrs, then it comes down a bit and you have a nice lazy body buzz and euphoric feeling for another 2 hrs! Very long, great bud! Great for watching a movie or other relaxed activities. It's very intense and drugged feeling for the first few hours while stimulating your mind as well. Then your mind becomes much clearer and the body buzz becomes warm and fuzzy for another few hrs. Overall not my fav but highly recommended.