
member since 2018

Recent Reviews6 total


Was able to get my hands on this strain through my local dispensary and boy was I glad I requested it. I have to say, of all the flower I have ever smoked, Afghani Bullrider’s high crept up the slowest and hit one of the hardest. Out of the container, the smell was in-your-face wet earth with a lemon/pepper zest, and an overwhelming but certainly well called for pine aroma. Cracking open one of the buds revealed a citrus flavor that made my eyes twitch. I smoked one moderate bowl from an average glass pipe. Typically, I would be high almost right away. I noticed after completion that I was severely buzzed but not yet “stoned”. I sat down at my computer desk and after about 10 minutes, the high began to set in like a champ. 15 to 20 minutes later, I was (as I like to call it) blasted. Not in a “time to sit on the couch and do nothing” type of indica high though. I smoked this at around 5pm, just before dinner. At 5:30pm, I felt like I was having an introspective moment; where I wanted to look things up on the internet that had to do with space, or science, or global geometry - anything that would get my mind going. I felt like I wanted to learn about something. Maybe how something works? I was ready to watch travel and nature shows on television, and be taken somewhere. At the same time I felt happy, and like I was ready for conversation. By 6pm, I had a hunger bug from nowhere, and made a chicken alfredo from a new recipe I looked up online. I felt like I was a chef, and I was trying new things, and ready to taste things that I wasn’t necessarily “used” to tasting (as per my own recipe). The high itself lasted for about 2 hours before I went back in for a couple of bong rips from a “shmedium” sized glass water bong. I was brought right back to where I was before, for another 2 hours. Next session, I plan to take it slow, and allow the creeping high to ease in, and then increase from there. Afghani Bullrider, to me, was a delight and I hope to be able to not burn through it all too fast. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to relax and feel introspective or creative. Possibly a good flower for a social anxiety problem. Not a good choice for the occasional smoker, as the creeping high may lead to onset paranoia. The seasoned smoker beware; but do enjoy! Happy smoking!


Having tried GG1 and GG4 several times, I was surprised to find out much different Gorilla Glue #5 was to its predecessors. The genetic makeup of this plant truly speaks wonders to its character, with Chem's Sister and Chocolate Diesel already raining strong in the THC levels. The buds were of small and mid range, but packing a tight flower exterior, almost like holding slightly softer Moon Rocks. The flavor is 100% as described, with the word "pungent" being almost an understatement. In person, I would describe this to be along the level of a wet, planty, earthy, tang that sort of leaves you wondering if the exhale will be similar. Upon cracking open the flower, the smell of tangy/fuel/sweet completely engrossed the previous smells, making for a delightful adventure for my nostrils. This reminded me almost of a diesel type strain, but I could tell it wasn't. Smoking the flower via Raw Papers, the flavor of the tangy earth really soaked through, leaving a nice aftertaste full of earthy yumminess. Halfway through my 1 gram joint, I debated putting it out because the high was beginning to set in at a pace that was unexpected. However, I noticed that it never creeped over the silver lining into the realm of "too high", so I kept on keeping on. At the end of my 1 gram joint, I sat down to write this review and felt extra-stimulated in wanting to write a descriptive review. It was almost as if my memory of just-passed events was stronger. Not overstimulating. A floaty body high with a similar "bloated" head feeling; which is sort of warm and nice to me, honestly. Ready to hop on YouTube and fall into a hole of videos until I get bored. Could possibly hop on the train and catch some sort of food and wine festival. Even wouldn't mind if a friend stopped by for a chill session. Feel like I could focus if the topic was interesting enough, I wouldn't consider myself to be too high to function socially. Although, looking in the mirror, I do look high. No red eyes. Could be my tolerance. Anyway, I could go either way with this one. Don't feel too lazy, don't feel too energized. A good, classic, well rounded high. I would definitely recommend GG5 to anyone who's looking to unwind, for any lifestyle.

Paris OG

Paris OG was a spectacle that I picked up in cartridge form from a local dispensary, made by Naked THC brand; mainly because I had a stiff neck from sleeping funny, and was having trouble getting to sleep in the first place. Right out of the “tube” that the cartridge came in, I noticed a rather fruity smell, nothing more, nothing less. Plugging in and taking two long 5-second drags, I was introduced to an almost pine-fruit-lemon-pepper that made me sneeze when exhaling through my nasal cavity. The high is very draggy and lazy, definitely made me want to stay put. Although about an hour in, I was hit with hard munchies that seemed rather difficult to get over. This is a night time bud for sure, in all the characteristics it displays after vaping. Park yourself in front of the tv and get ready to fall asleep. Will buy again.


Another glorious botanical creation with lemon falling heavy on the smell-o-meter for me. From afar, this flower smelt a little like fertilizer but overtaken by a sort of dull earthy pine. Boy was I wrong when the jar was opened. Sweet lemony earthiness with all the citrusy sour I could ask for. One hot momma. The smell was so intense, I sneezed! I knew right then, this was the one. Got home, rolled a joint, laid back, and let this hit me nice and slow. Emphasis on the word “slow”. It took me nearly 10 minutes to feel the full blown effect of Headband at it’s peak, exhibiting moments of random excitement, where I was ready to go out for the night even though it’s a Monday and I have work quite early in the morning. Easy to relax, but hard to do so on the couch. Almost made me want to pace but sinking deeper into the couch and reminding myself that I have nowhere else to be, was the trick. Before I knew it I was ready to tackle shows long-lost on my DVR, and binge watch series’ on Netflix. I didn’t feel a “headband” feeling at all. Definite head high with a linger body high. You sort of take a moment every 30 minutes to wonder where the last 30 minutes has gone. Nothing bad to say. Tastes like it smells, a little more Earthy presence on the exhale but left with a pretty nice lemon taste to round it all off. I think this is more of a mid-day flower for me. On a weekend. With a couple buddies over. Or maybe on a day where you’re looking to walk around somewhere outside. This won’t disappoint. Not overstimulating for me, and the end-buzz didn’t make me want to go to sleep, so that’s good. I will definitely be seeking Headband again.


Stardawg was a strain that simply surprised me from appearance to taste, to overall high. My buds came as mid-density, vibrant green flower, with bright orange hairs very prevalent in it’s appearance. The flower smelt almost like wet earth with a tad of woodsy sweetness. Upon “cracking open” the flower, an even sweeter almost citrusy/earth-like aroma smacked my tastebuds silly. The high creeps on and isn’t seemingly immediate - about 5 minutes for me. First, settling in was a body high with a pressure behind my eyes that let me know with each waking minute, I was about to blast off. 10 minutes for me and the high was in it’s full blossom. I went from lazy to ready to clean the house. I dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned the kitchen - before I knew it (about an hour and a half later) I was finished and ready to relax. I smoked a small bowl via bong and took a seat on the couch to find that the bud was as motivating as it was relaxing. An interesting combo to remain focused or pop-a-squat somewhere comfortable to relax in front of the tv. Great high that seems to make me want to jump into any conversation, just for the result of interaction. Ready to go walk around a local mall or flea market…or just sit right where I am and do nothing for the rest of the day. I will definitely buy more soon.


What bad is there to say about this strain? The smell is very Pine with a tad of sweetness to it. Almost a lemon note but then cancelled out slightly by a vanilla undertone that made my mustache hairs curl. The taste on inhale is similar to the smell with a sort of sweet almost berry/earth but then an almost fuel-like gasoline sour sort of punches on your taste buds repeatedly. And then begins the expansion cough. Immediately after, you’re hit with a head high that seems to trickle from the back of your eyeballs down your entire body. For a few moments it feels like you have to hold your head because it’s just too heavy. But not in a bad way. In a “today was long and it’s time to relax” way. You’re finding the seat you’re in more comfortable, and you’ll find yourself weakening your posture in order to handle this particular high. The high isn’t exactly one I would recommend achieving before any sort of work that requires concentration. This is more of a high that you want to visit when you’ve put in your fair share of work for the day and you need to take a load off, with a powerful kick of couch lock, and heavy, onset euphoric high.