
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total


I’m loving Jealousy for my medical daytime needs. It helps with my anxiety and muscle spasms without leaving me feeling loopy, paranoid, hungry or tired. This and SkywalkerOG work the same for me in regards to daytime focus and pain management. Fwiw, I’m a middle aged woman who juggles the after affects of a few ACDFs along with ADD & minor Anxiety issues.


I love Harlequin! It’s the absolute perfect strain to start with when just beginning with MMJ/Medical Marijuana. I’m a middle aged woman and have spinal arthritis and am fused C3-C7 with continuing, underlying chronic pain from debilitating, at times, symptoms. I’m fairly healthy otherwise 🙄. This Sativa/CBD dominated strain is perfect for when I need to get a few things done around the house and my body reminds me that I’m not in my 20’s anymore. It doesn’t make me feel goofy, giggly, lazy, hungry, tired or lightheaded from (I prefer vaping) using. It’s just the perfect amount to take the edge off and still be clear headed and productive without too much energy where I rebound later from overdoing it. The only downside to this strain is that it’s quite difficult to find in the Phx, AZ area 🤷🏻‍♀️. But when I do get my hands on some more, I’ll be sure to grab what I can. This is my favorite, light dosing during daytime helper. I highly recommend it to those new to using marijuana and in need of a lightweight strain.