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Recent Reviews48 total

French Toast

French toast - savvy ————————————- •5🌟s • it starts as a stevia then cools down putting me to sleep😴 • It really helps my adhd (focusing), anxiety (remind me what anxiety is?), stress (relaxing), depression (feel happy/good mood), & ptsd. • it can go either way between zoning out or zoning in ..if that makes any sense at all? lol • Best sleep while going to bed high. I also don’t feel that heavy sedation feelings like some flower makes me feel the next day. • Since smoking this.. my iwatch keeps getting better. • You get high after 2-3 hits & the high lasts awhile. • I can’t decide what type of “high,” this is. Because I HATE head highs but this doesn’t feel like a head or body high🤔 except that it makes my brain tingly. Not enough to notice unless you’re thinking about it. • No Munchies!!!!🙌🏽 • Next day: I feel awesome & no hang over. •CONS —————— - Doesn’t take pain away. - Not a fan of the flavor & sometimes burns my throat. - Burns quickly.


Wow!! Amazing!! An easy 5🌟 ——————————— for both “Chemistry & Chemistry F2,” by Savvy ——————————— - when smoking I felt high but not high, if that makes any sense at all? It took any worries I had..away and put me in a great mood! I had a good 10-30min long of focus like a “get shit ton pill,” what I call Aderrall XR. Lol (haven’t been on it for 2 yrs on a non stimulate med now). I’m currently struggling with depression, anxiety, night time anxiety, ptsd, stress/burnout, ptsd fatigue, insomnia, and adhd) Laughing, talking a ton or non at all, playing phone games or watching tv or both (I can finally multitasks again🙏🏽!)… Then towards the end of the high you will start to space off for a short time. Then non stop yawning for hours is what it felt like. Then you get so exhausted ready for bed. Trying to fight that heavy fatigue but always knocks me out cold😴 which ends up being several good nights of sleep! I highly recommend this! I will be getting these often!! - Munchies: if I’m thinking about food..then I’m hungry. If I don’t think about food I’m not hungry..it’s one of those..but otherwise no munchies🥰

Jungle Pie

“Jungle Pie,” by Savvy —————————- • this one is interesting to me. • doesn’t take much to get super high, like 2-3puffs!🤯 • being too high makes me feel like taking too many edibles..the spins • it’s stannnnnky! Very thick smell. • smells like skunk and something else terrible (stinks up my place) • im talkative and giggly. • it helps 👍🏽with my stress, depression, and insomnia. • sometimes you can’t walk straight • Didnt 👎🏽help with my anxiety (it increased it a little as im on 3 diff meds for my anxiety), pain (headache/migraine/myofascial pain syndrome/surgery pain and ADD). • it wakes you up a little, you coast, then it slowly makes you Super tired out of no where..when that comes..go to bed. You finally, will hit a deep sleep!😴 • body high with the temples feeling high on your head. • overrall 3/5 - prob will never buy it again

RSO Syringe (1.5g)

Bought this today in hoping it will help take some of my pain away. As I’m having major foot/ankle/achilles/lower leg surgery 1/24/24 to fully recover takes 2-3 years😭. I was told by the dispensary it would work asap saying it’s the #1 product for chronic pain (I am also dealing with myofascial pain syndrome) ..it honestly doesn’t do sh*t for me. I took the first dosage at 4pm waited till 6pm then took another bigger dosage (thinking I have higher tolerance which is why it’s not working)..still nothing as it’s 9pm. Planning on returning all 4 boxes I bought. PS) the taste is AWFUL and lasts a long time in your mouth. It’s a mix between very hoppy ipa beer and another taste I can’t put a finger on. My best advice - my mother bought a topical (iLava Touch 300mg) - I used some on my neck due to mps..AWESOME product.. planned on exchanging it for that product.


Headspace - The Pharm (sativa ) ————————— • tastes spicy like kitchen spices hot. Still tastes bad. But better than Sour Leopard by The Pharm (do not recommend this one at all). But at the same time smooth. • This acts like a Hybrid for me. As I get high quickly then I’m awake but my body is glued to the couch. Then over time it knocks you out hard😴😴😴I feel half sedated when trying to fight it not trying to sleep and I got diagnosed 15yrs ago of severe insomnia (meaning no prescription meds will work for me only medical flower). • my budtender said this is one of his favorites. **This is what I’m using it for** • PAIN: helps with headaches/migraines, sleep, inflammation, myofascial pain syndrome, ankle/foot pain - I have major surgery 1/23/24. This surgery will take 2 yrs to fully recovery. • PTSD/DEPRESSION: helps with body pains. Puts you in a better/lighter mood. • ANXIETY: it feels like it disappeared on me!!🩵for once in my life. I’m on 4 diff meds for anxiety. • ADHD: really helps me focus and actually remember shit when im not on meds (he wanted the other diagnosed meds correct before we jump on this bang wagon of non stimulants. Which I always been on stimulants so this should be an interesting change. • The Next Day: Awesome, felt great! Will be buying this one often!! 5🌟easily

Las Vegas Triangle Kush

14G from The Pharm (Hybrid) —————————- • This is what I deal with everyday: ANXIETY: clear mind/relaxed feeling. No thoughts DEPRESSION: Depression who? PTSD: Heavy chronic fatigue when smoking this. ADHD: It works the opposite meaning no matter how much caffeine you have.. it will knock you out😴😴 doesn’t make me productive at all. It’s like the paralyze side of procrastination. CHRONIC PAIN: Helps with the headaches but doesn’t help - myofascial pain syndrome (can’t tell if it’s causing flare ups or not since I grew 3 lumps aka tripper points from last night), I have major foot/ankle surgery (1/24/24) due to metal slowly rejecting from my body, tore a few ligaments. Takes 2 yrs to fully recover. Doesn’t help the pain. HEADACHES: Helps! INSOMNIA: Helps!! Heavy sedation feeling😴😴 TASTE: very spicy & like your going to cough but don’t but you still think your going to bought but never do. I didn’t get a heavy trip vibe at all per what was about this product. Just a heavy sedation feeling all day on it making my eyes burn.. idk if it’s from being dry or tired. **Next day felt like a lazy piece of sh*t not wanting to do anything👎🏽 gaining a headache all day and neck pains (from my neck injury from a bad car accident) ** I wouldn’t buy it again as I like flower that helps the holistic effect to treat what is going on. Sorry, I’m really high writing this if this doesn’t make sense.

Bangers and MAC

Bangers & Mac 1 by The Pharm (Hybrid) ———————————- • Let me first tell you the taste is awful! Lmao I cant even describe what it is that it tastes like. Never tasted anything like it before except a hint of spice. • I was just smoking Tropical Cherry by Grow Science 14g for $ 1 5 0, my dispensary had it on sale for $ 9 0 my budtendor suggested this so I bought these two. Dont buy it, between this & that flower. Trop Cherry even thought it tastes better you get high 2-3x per bowl - short highs VS this flower I been getting high 7-12x per bowl - im zoned out for hours! • I get high within 3 secs after taking a hit. • I get a TON of energy when high. I have ADD so depends if you want something thats stimulating or not for us ADHD/ADDers🤷🏽‍♀️. Like the zoomies non-stop energy/random bursts of energy but like hours lasting😂 • It wakes me right up and wide awake for hours. Like the other day 5hours went by and I thought maybe 10-30min went by. I was mind🤯blown! How?? • I forget everything🤦🏽‍♀️ like watching the new Bachelorette Season 20 and had to re watch like each section several times because I kept forgetting what I just watched. Then ill pause it get distracted by something else then forget I paused it then 1-3hrs go by..by the time I circle back around to the same tv episode I been trying to watch for like 6 hours now😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️. I know I started watching this at 830pm and its now 1:42am..ughh like how?! • I have to be multi tasking (watching tv and play mexican train game app on my phone) or moving my feet/legs its a good stim feeling. • No Munchies but it makes me bored eat as its a stim. • Wayyyy too much funny energy like I could run a half marathon because of the energy. It takes away before you get tired and eventually fall asleep but once your out you sleep great! • it makes water taste REALLY good😂😂being able to drink a ton to get that gallon 👏🏽in👏🏽! • Body high..all the feels and tingles • doesnt help with pain. Pain Level Example: I had reconstructive ankle surgery + 2 anchors drilled to my tib & fib to hold my ankle stable 11/9/22. Found out 3 wks ago from the mri the 2 anchors drilled to my bone (tib & fib) are slowly rejecting out of my body + 2 torn ligaments + tarsal tunnel syndrome (cutting out the damage nerve & re tighten it up) my orthopedic said I dont have a choice I HAVE to get surgery. Takes 1-2 YEARS to fully recover👎🏽All of this just from hiking down a mountain. I cant move my foot at all its so still and some days I cant walk at all on it. I have it elevated now and its just throbbing in pain. • you can tell when your sobering up because you bounce back to normal like a fast crash feeling making you feel superrrr sleepy! Then it knocks you out shortly after that😴the heaviest sleeping med In the book! I had taken 33 prescription sleeping meds (as they were not strong enough to put me to sleep & keep me a sleep) my doctor would mix & match different drugs together. Nothing worked not even ambien. But this flower knocks me on my ass!! Cant even make it to my bed, I slept so much in this recliner😂due to smoking this flower. Its a good deep sleep to..talking 10-17hrs! • This one when your super high will stair off into space (if you have ADD/ADHD you will be starring into space for what feels like dayssss - but really 4-7hrs straight😳😳) I cant speak for the others🤐

Trop Cherry

Tropical Cherry by Grow Science (Sativa) —————————- • Bought this because my dispensary had a sale & my tender recommended this brand. • Just lit my first bowl and it tasted like fresh chopped grass. Then towards the end skittles candy🤤 • indie music is hitting hard normally I wouldnt go that route when I smoke but it gives you “the feels,” of dancing/swaying. • my eyes feel high, heavy, & sleepy. But my body is tingling and energy. • sitting in the recliner a lone lol it makes me super focused like wayyyyyy better then Adderall/Vyanse. Everything you hear is crystal clear. I have ADD just got off addy to switch to vyvanse 60mg with my prim doc. But had to send me to the physic doc for a higher dosage but the physic doc doesnt think I have ADD and took me off of it. (If any of that made sense to my fellow ADD/ADHDers. • the first bowl lasted 11min long and starting to slowly sober up already making my eyes more awake feeling. • the music is boring me, getting ready to turn the tv on. • now I felt like that was a hill I was going up because now I feel Superrrrrr high! Like a rollar coaster high but the 2nd high I feel higher. • body high • I already forgot what else I wanted to say about this. Im getting distracted by this stupid nat that wont leave my forearm alone🖕🏽🪰. #NoMunchies 🎉 • its now helping my anxiety the “worrying side,” which causes me to stress out all the time. Its like telling me to chill-lax dude🤙🏽 • high lasted from 4:15pm - 5:07pm. • coming down from the high. I feel stress free, no anxiety, or not worried. Supa relaxed👌🏽 • getting ready to pack the next bowl. • Flaring up my 6weeks long itchy all over body hives from a new probiotic I been taking. Idk what it is im allergic too but this strain has increased the deadly itching a notch!🔥 • 2nd bowl = didnt feel high at all. • 3rd bowl - it tastes like manly shaving cream & spicy this time around its such a strange combo😂😂 • totally keep zoning out at the tv completely spacing off and in deep thought to myself. Randomly, snapping out of it and realizing😂 • knocked me out😴 • havent slept that deep in a long time! ————————— DAY 2 —————————- * Felt less stressed, depression felt like its been better from most days, less anxiety, my add seemed lower today. • Getting ready for round✌🏽 • This time its like a shaving cream flavor if I were to taste it this is what it would based off the scent + with the ending taste of tropical fruit roll up. • struggling to get high this time around. Its more like a buzz feeling. • TBH overall - I think this is wayyy over priced when I just tried the cheap 28g The Pharm for $ 9 0 and that tasted awful but holy sh*t you got really high right away and non stop with 7-12 highs out of it VS this $ 1 5 0 for 14g that you got 2-3 highs out of a whole bowl that the high didnt last very long.

Golden Goat

Golden Goat by Savvy (Sativa) flower: Come get High with me! ———————————— • first puff, very spicy tasting. • 2nd puff, high as a kite! • if I stare at my phone it makes me sleepy. But if I watch tv im zoning into one wave length. • I feel like a flat line with no personality. • “if I were to be a rooooobot,”🤖 - yes I think so. Flat line personality and emotions right now. • its currently, working like I had a ton of energy drinks - bounce off the walls/can’t sit still. Making my ADD turn into ADHD. • im getting stoner eye vibes✌🏽 (lazy & high but not red). • I think this is a head high because I feel the head pressure and stiffness • not so good for headache users. I didn’t have a headache before but with this pressure its creating one. But it has not flared up my major ankle surgery & hasnt flared up my Myofasical Pain Syndrome. I have 4 trigger point lumps that need worked out but hasnt flared that up either. So I wouldn’t 100% rule it out for chronic pain quit yet. • the high lasted an hour, now im sober very fast. But also had double chocolate mug cake lol craving chocolate. • the next day: NO anxiety, social anxiety, add very low, night time anxiety, depression felt gone, ptsd, chronic pain, headache, & I recently got diagnosed with adjustment disorder with anxiety and it was the lowest it has ever been. I had reconstructive ankle surgery with 2 anchors drilled to my bone 11/9/22 (takes 1 yr to fully recover). Just had a follow up mri as I had a ton of pain after surgery and cant move my foot/ankle..found out I have to get reconstructive ankle surgery done again as my body is rejecting the 2 anchors drilled to my bone causing a ton of scarring. My orthopedic said I dont have a choice I have to get it done + 2 torn ligaments + getting an EMG to see if I have tarsal tunnel syndrome or not. I dont plan on getting the surgery till Sept/Oct. But it took that pain away as I deal with daily + migraines (from a bad car accident I was in + myofasical pain syndrome) • Very impressed by this strain 5/5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


B52 Bomber by Savvy -(flower) ————————————- • THC: 20.63% • Sativa • Lets get high together……. • Flower is hard as a rock as im just opening up the bag for the first time. • Doesn’t burn the throat. • I got high after 3-4hits. • Its not like an energy drink hit more calmer then that. • I noticed a switch with my ADD being able to focus better. I didnt take Vyvanse 60mg today. • It took my headache that had been continuous since yesterday away only when your high. But when you start to sober up thats when the pain kicks back in. • Same with being awake when you start to sober up I went back to normal (tired - did not get a restful nights rest). • So far an easy 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ • Flavor: chemicals • 1.5hrs went by..just packed another bowl. •This time around it burns my throat a little bit. • High after 3 hits. • Same results for ADD & headache pain. • I dont get a head or body high except my eyeballs are tingling & where my headache was pounding at. • No munchies but I ate anyways just some Nerds Clusters & a rope. But instead of continuously eating like munchies are…lol this one cut me off😁👏🏽 • Knocked me out at 8:35pm lol I thought would be up till around 1130pm at least. Slept for 13hrs. • I dont think this one has a hangover. I just feel super exhausted still. Didnt sleep that well. • it helped my depression and anxiety the next day. • it also stopped my 3 day long headache. I have a neck Injury from a bad car accident I was in. My surgeon permanently burned off my left side C3-C6 neck nerves to help with the pain. Worked really well for me. But waiting to get the other side burned off top of skull, that bone behind your ears & C1-C2. So thats whats been causing me a ton of migraines/headaches - 16 a month. When smoking this being high it stops the pain temporarily. • Hit REM sleep for once today. Haven’t hit that in such a lonnnng time! • Day 3 smoking this - no munchies still. Cheat meal tonight ordered dominos but couldnt really eat it. Its like my appetite is cut when smoking this. • it smells like freeze dried cherry raisins. • Lost counts of days I been smoking this. But I do noticed it has helped.. • HELPS WITH: my ADD, anxiety, depression, myofascial pain syndrome, headaches/migraines, pain, cramps, insomnia/a little energy, inflammation, lack of appetite, nausea, ptsd, chronic pain, & stress. • Hands down my favorite! Will be buying this often! Highly recommend!