
member since 2014

Recent Reviews7 total

Rockstar Kush

Rockstar Kush is, in a way, exactly what it says on the box; Indica for days. I picked this up as the equivalent to some other kush, and am now wishing I'd at least tried something new. High CBD, low THC is what you're getting with this strain. It didn't give me the euphoric, creative high I usually enjoy, but it helped my various aches and pains and made me feel sleepy the whole time I was using it. That said, the sleepiness wasn't direct--just a general lethargy that made me not want to get up and do anything. It'd be hard to even recommend for insomnia, considering. It had an inoffensive but not overly pleasant taste and smell, nothing to note or write home about. Would recommend for a nice comfy chill session, but don't expect to have your world blown.


Ever since I first tried it, GSC has been a great day-time high with enough mellow to take the edge of any pain or discomfort as well. I think it's a great all purpose bud, as the taste and aroma are pleasant, and the effect is noticeable and strong due to its high THC content. I do find when I overdue it sometimes I get a little sleepy, so make sure you don't go crazy if you have something important to do. :p

Chocolate Thunder

This was a decent, strong sativa with an odd taste--a bit like tacos, according to the guy at the dispensary, which I can corroborate after some experience smoking it. Gave a fun head high, but made me sleepy in a way I don't usually enjoy unless I'm ready for bed. Overall, I'd recommend this as a good weed for reading or hanging/doing something with friends. Would recommend using some kind of flavouring so that the weird spicy meat taste isn't too off-putting tho.


Kryptonite is a great high-THC-content indica that has a surprising lift to it as well. Unlike other indica strains, which have me locked to my bed stuffing my face like a gluttonous, coma-bordering slug, Kryptonite always managed to get me laughing and relaxed. It was good during the day and before bed, would definitely recommend to anyone dealing with depression.

Green Hornet

Green Hornet was pitched to me as a high-creativity sativa that might help w/ my depression. While the few times I smoked it I did feel a bit happier/more elated, the 'creative' part never came, and the effects of the stuff I had weren't very strong. A nice strain either way, but not particularly wow-ing.

Pink Kush

Pink Kush is a great 'knock you out' indica that has taken over for my sleeping pills. It helps me call it a night without the same groggy troll-like feeling of my previous pharmacy medication. Good taste and appealing smell. Just wish I had gotten more last time I was in. :P

Sour Diesel

Smoking Sour Diesel was my first experience with truly excellent bud. I feel like it's a bit redundant to say anything about such a legendary strain by this point, but I wanted to add my two cents and help the aggregate. While Diesel does have that distinctive funky smell and taste to it, the stuff I have hits super smooth, and the effect is near instant, and continues to creep from initial onset til twenty or thirty minutes after. Overall effect is a super pleasant, mellow head high that made for great conversations and video game playing. I feel like the only bad thing I have to say about this strain is that the overall taste/smell is a bit odd, but it adds a certain character that I don't think I'd change even if I had the option. Definitely recommend this strain to anyone curious to try it out. :)