All Greens
The online ordering used to be pretty bad but worked every 3/5 times. Fortunately they updated their online ordering! ... and made it worse. Now it works 1/5 times if you can get past the stupid captchas. Also have to reupload your card every time and verify your number every time and then it still errors out. It is not a huge deal but it makes the process longer and more frustrating when it’s supposed to do the opposite. In the end it is much easier and quicker to just go in and order.
I do appreciate most the staff here. They are super nice. No place is perfect so some of the employees are meh but a majority are awesome and will go out of their way to help you out even if it takes a little longer. This is especially true in the drive thru. They will not make you feel rushed but that also can mean long wait times (Which is why I try to order online) I try to tip every time I go.