This is the friendliest store in the area with some great specials and high quality product. No reason to go elsewhere cuz they take good care of you right here!
Nice little store but the prices are too high compared to others in the area.
No prices on Leafly are shown so you can't tell that until you go there. Seattle prices in Spokane doesn't cut it...Sorry.
This is top quality cannabis! I'm a daily smoker, bought a .5 gram preroll from Royal's Cannabis. 4 puffs and you're on your way. After about an hour it's starts whispering "smoke me". Definitely a new favorite!
I visited all the recreational shops in the area and this is the best one! Staff are friendly and knowledgeable about the products they are selling & seem knowledgeable of what they have to offer. EVERYBODY is in a good mood. Look here first and last and you'll be satisfied! I'll be back soon :)