Not an ideal combination for those with depression, stress, pain, and fatigues. This strain though produces mental alertness, depresses the body and results in feeling "rush" as in hurried state of mind. Another way to put it: alert mind but stoned body. Not ideal for people suffering nerve damaged because the body is slow in responding to the mental demand and tends to feel stressed out and overwhelmed.
With this strain, your mind is willing--but your body is complaining, therefore though physically active, desire or enthusiasm is lacking in activiry that you are performing.
Physically draining. As the brain demands more output from the body, it tends to block the sensory nerve leading to injury or abuse due to forceful act or repeated careless movements.
Mind and body contradiction can also lead the body to activate its defensive mechanism, causing it to rebel and ignore the brain's demand. The alienation between the two can depress the lungs causing delayed breathing intervals, which can trigger panic attack.
Conclusion: No therapeutic effect, only feelings of anxieties enhanced with euphoric alienation. Strain needs to be reclassified.