The Releaf Center - Bentonville
PS.We’ve received many great products from this dispensary with acceptable service. Please read the following —>
I discovered mold on a bud included in an eighth recently purchased from The Releaf Center. It was around then I came back to The Releaf Center to have my suspensions confirmed. Upon being introduced to the budtender, withholding the name out of courtesy, showed the moldy bud. To paraphrase in his commentary said things like “it’s just really frosty” and “even if it is mold it’ll only get you higher”. Sadly this couldn’t be farther from the truth as another dispensary owner confirmed the mold. For the safety of my fellow medical marijuana patients please note: Weed mold of any variety isn’t safe. Many molds contain penicillin which if allergic inhaling would have severe results. Others contain mycotoxins which don’t burn away, but instead continue producing spores in moist environments (like lungs). I’ll end simply by saying just because someone works in the health profession doesn’t mean their looking out for our health.
To The Relief Center- I did not appreciate being lied to and my girlfriend does have a severe allergy to penicillin which makes me worry for people who trust others at their word. Had I, she would be in the hospital right now.