Harvest - Casa Grande (Med/Rec)
I have been a patient of LeafLife since Brian first opened the doors with a fantastic staff. Sunday I took my husband in who has high anxiety to purchase the 1/2 oz special. He has a card for 2 years but has only been in a dispensary twice because they make him anxious. I asked if we could go back together so I could help him, I was told that we would have to see two different budtenders which I said was fine, then he added that we could not talk to each other while back there, so I asked could he be helped at the takeout window, or just let me know what strains were available today and I will tell him what to get. he then states that I am stressing him out so he calls the manager who brings out the packets of strains available bet tells me loudly that she will help me this time but next time she will not give me any additional information and may not be helped. Hello Harvest we are the patients and pay you, I served in the military to protect all the people so don't treat me rudely like 'come in, sit down, and shut up.' You always let us know on Sunday what product is available before you open the doors. This Sunday no one came around and when we went inside none of the tv menu screens were on and I was only the 5th person in line so you are stressed already? You may be the only dispensary in Casa Grande but I would rather travel to Chandler than be treated rudely when spending my hard earned money. You don't have to worry you will never see my husband in your facility again. I on the other hand will continue to order for us both, possibly on line so I will have as little interaction with your staff as possible to decrease my anxiety.