
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total


Where is it that I begin? Lonewolf, searching for peace of mind, yearning for calm, anxious but fighting the good fight for attainment of the presences of one’s true.. good.. SELF. This chemo right here..... is a............ Potion. Not medicine.. not a cure.. not a drug.. a potion for serenity. I’ve been on a very time consuming and annoying.. social media type addicted hunt, to find a strain that is right for me. For my anxiety and depression (prescribed: clonazepam and escitalopram) and this shit right here.. is a purple velvet glove of subtle love type beast... dosage is oh so crucial. One toke from a joint and nothing more, will have you floating in a land of everything luxurious.. from the fresh air we’ve been blessed with... to even this surprisingly.. amazing feeling of our own skin providing you with all these irrefutable positive chills... is what chemo will give you. Treat her the wrong way... and she’ll have you feeling anxious just like you would if you did something that would prompt a negative thought spinning through your mind for days/weeks/months on end. She is beautiful. And I would love for everyone with a truly good heart and mind (regardless of the bullshit you’ve done and how much you’ve beaten yourself up but are sincerely trying to find and continue down the right path) to try this wonderful strain. My personal quest continues... but I am very glad that this strain will be a part of my journey that lies ahead..... Peace and love. All the best.


Used to smoke a lot as a teenager, had a horrible panic attack from it and didn’t smoke again forever. Came to realize of course I already had anxiety/depression issues without weed and it ended up just amplifying it when I would smoke. Doctor prescribed benzos and ssri’s for depression.... but really don’t want to go that route and want something natural to help instead.... Luckily found this strain at sea of green in Toronto.. was looking for high CBD strain as it said non-psychoactive on the internet. I’m not sure if it’s just because I haven’t smoked in years (almost 9) but I started with literally two puffs and it got me high as shit. And made me super anxious and put myself down and beating myself up over things. So it definitely got me HIGH.. but made me think of things a bit more clearly after I came down. I’m giving it three stars because the third time I smoked it.. it was the complete opposite and I felt blissful and just all around great and clear headed and accepted things and it’s as if my vision was crystal clear (mind you I went into smoking with a positive mindset for once) Hard to explain but it was great. Downside is that when the high wears off it leaves me feeling dizzy with a mild headache that doesn’t seem to go away... this has happened every time. Would recommend if you’re past the starting out phase and slowly getting more comfortable with smoking and know how to handle it. The search for a strain that obliterates my anxiety and depression continues...