
member since 2022

Recent Reviews3 total

Online Medical Card - MA

Friendly staff and quick appointments, would recommend this place to my friends and family.

Online Medical Card - Pittsburgh

Well, the whole process for me was simple and quick. Just took half an hour to approve my condition. Paid the fee and got my recommendation the next day.

Online Medical Card - NY Medical Cards

I am not very blessed in life. I was little when my parents split, my mother's boyfriend used to molest me but I was too young to say anything. My mother was into drinking and well, my childhood was trash. Because of that, I had a lot of issues. From getting scared from any male presence to not letting anyone in my life. I found someone and well, the experience wasn't good and things triggered my anxiety. I have always stayed away from any sort of drugs because I had seen my mother. Therapy wasn't working for me. So my therapist herself asked me to talk to some Online Medical Card - NY Medical Cards. I talked to this doctor, told him everything and added that I don't do drugs and let's be honest Online Medical Card - NY Medical Cards does not have the right image. The doctor, instead of getting offended or asking me to not do it or whatever, recommended me medical marijuana and told me how to consume it for better results. He really helped me get over the "Online Medical Card - NY Medical Cards is bad" mindset. Things aren't great but at least I have started living life in a better way. there are highs and lows but I guess that is a part of life and nothing can eliminate that.