Basom Bud Depot
They don't honor thier rewards card program. Always an issue. Had a card for half ounces but couldn't find it in my wallet so was issued another card. When i found the old card in my glovebox of my car they refused to combine the two. As i buy at least 3 ounces a week, this clearly is bullshit. They should have consolidated the 2 cards and ripped the old one up. Sad to say that going there once a week for myself and others has ended. I can get 100 $ ounces at 20 different places. Your pettiness and cheapness has caused you to lose a dedicated and consistent customer. As I have sent many people your way, which wont be happening again, you lost more than one single customer. Word of advise "don't run promotions you don't really wanna honor or look for every excuse to not honor". It cost you business and really pisses peeps off. So yes, it was my first time there THIS WEEK and I will not only "not recommend you anymore" and I certainly wont shop with you again. No honor or loyalty to your consistent customers. Not good business practices. Your bad and I move on.