
member since 2018

Recent Reviews14 total

God's Gift

I’m not sure why everyone is ranting and raving about this strain. I smoked like four hits of this yesterday and did not feel high in the traditional sense. Then, today, it did what most heavy hitters do; it dried out my eyes and nose like they were in the Sahara desert. Not only that but all day I felt physically like poop. Serious hardcore rolled over poop. And no, I’m not a beginner smoker. But I’ve come to learn this is what comes of an 80% indica strain. That and it’s granddaddy purple parent. I will most likely be passing this strain/joint over to my wife. Should have been called God’s Curse instead. Thumbs down for me.


This strain smells like a classy adult grape flavored fruit roll up. If that could ever really be a thing. It smells like it has a little something extra in it. Something kind of spicy. The high for me is like being near a really nice fire in the middle of a snowy landscape. Calm. Peaceful. Definitely get some sit down and just chill vibes with this one. Smoke, sit and chat with your best bud (😉) for awhile. Then eventually let the weight of gravity let you fall back into bed to sleep. Yeah...it’s THAT kind of a feel. Enjoy!

Granddaddy Purple

I’m not sure why this strain didn’t become on of my favs the first time I smoked it ages ago. This time I had a pretty great experience. I was super talkative, positive and pulled up from the emotional swamp of downness that I had been in the last three days. I like that sort of cerebral/emotional uplift feeling. Had me worried for a bit, but have no fear GDP is there to tuck your ass into bed too! For me the high didn’t seem to last that long. So, a couple hours later after going to the grocery store to get some munchies*,I took two more hits. What I got next was crazy hardcore couch lock. As time went on it felt like someone was continually putting 5lb weight medicine balls on my lap every few minutes until I knew my only option was to go lay down immediately. No other option. So that’s what I did and it was fifteen minutes earlier then my reg early time to go to bed. That was amazing for me! I didn’t know if I was going to sleep or what, but I had to lay down with my eyes closed. And I slept. I slept without any sort of break or waking up early- like I had been for the past three days. A nice solid 8 hours of sleep with no breaks. *The munchies were not that bad. Quite low. *No paranoia *A little dry eye. But not a total sucking of all moisture in your face (eyes, nose, mouth) as Dosidos. * Next morning still feel somewhat sedated, but hoping and thinking it should wear off.

Forbidden Fruit

This strain is so very purple! So weird that something from nature can come in this color. And smells like fresh squeezed grapefruit to me. The high felt emotionally uplifting and happy. I felt a warmness emanating from my chest. It was a very pleasant feeling. I wasn’t too worried about any of the things I normally would be either. I was very content just sitting and feeling happy. Maybe because I only took two hits, but I didn’t get MAD munchies. I did eat, but it didn’t spend me into and eating frenzy. I smoked this in the evening and certainly feel it is an evening strain. This strain kind of reminded me of Sensi Star (can’t seem to find it locally in flower or preroll ☹️) in that it genuinely makes you feel happy, same ratio 70/30 leaning towards indica, and good for falling asleep. The bad is that it gave me cotton mouth, thus I drank a lot of water and ended up having to get up in the early morning to use the bathroom. This strain also seemed to give me the classic stoner eye feel. Eyes feel a little dry next day- but hopefully that feeling wears off. ✌🏼

Grape Valley Kush

I thought this was going to be a good one. Initially I felt very calm and FOCUSED. Very focused. But then the high morphed into a lot of paranoia and difficulty sleeping. Labeled as an indica, but for me operated like a Sativa. Way too much of a cerebral effect and not enough of a body high. I would not recommend this as an evening strain. Or to those that have anxiety disorders or are smoking for a good nights sleep. Definitely a big thumbs down for me.


I have to do a second review to add a few more words about this strain. If you want to sleep; this is the strain for you. Definitely a nighttime strain. Every time I’ve smoked it I end up fighting to keep my eyes open and gravity being immensely strong. It takes will power to get off the couch and walk up to the bedroom and into the bed. Everything takes immense effort to do, if it’s not sleeping. The pull to close the eyes is near impossible to avoid. The force is strong with this one! It is definitely the heaviest hitter I’ve ever smoked. Little to no paranoia for me. If I noticed an unusual noise, it just didn’t matter that much. Especially with the wait of just wanting to close my eyes and sleep. Still gave me the munchies. And I get creative when I don’t have much in the fridge. Last night it was soup, a plain kaiser roll and about 3-4 slices of cheese. Having the munchies is about all I could accomplish after smoking this. Reading a book is near impossibility with this strain. This strains mantra is LL Cool J’s lyric “Mama said knock you out!”

Northern Lights

No one yet has commented on this bud’s beautiful bouquet of smell. Inhaling it tastes like taking in various flowers. Like lavender or rose. I would smoke it again just based on this factor. It’s like inhaling perfume, but in a far more pleasant way. It’s like if you could just get the essence of the components of perfumes without the chemicals. I took the world’s smallest two hits because of how much people say this is a “hard hitter”. I would def have to agree with them seeing as to how stoned I have felt off of just these two small hits. Baby step it is all I have to say to new comers. And yes, the high kind of crept up on me like others said. So take it slow! This will definitely seal you to where ever you chose to sit. But not because you feel like gravity is gluing you to the spot but because of how sleepy it will make you. I have found that long after the “climax” of the high I have been just having a really nice body buzz. I feel the Afghani roots kickin’ in. I feel very relaxed and sleepy. And, for me at least, I don’t really have munchies. My hope is this strain makes me sleep like the dead. Com’mon heavy hitter! Knock me the f*ck out! I will definitely be searching this strain out when I run out. I think every stoner should try this strain at least once. Put it on your stoner bucket list already!

Blueberry Kush

Picked this one up when the shop didn’t have the one I was looking for. I felt very centered after smoking it. Like a clearing had been made at the center of me and activity was only existing on the peripheral. Everything was quiet on the inside. I was very interested in the colors of the late afternoon. The sunset and the color of the leaves in the trees with the sun shining through. I didn’t get the munchies. Which was new. Lots of indicas send me straight to the kitchen to see if there is anything edible. I feel like I could read a book after smoking some of this. Think this one might be a “when the mood strikes”. Def not going to searching out the local stores in the future for this one. ✌🏼

Grape Ape

One of the good things about this strain is that it doesn’t seem capable of my getting too high. I’m usually a two medium hits kind of a person. But this one I can take like three deep hits. This tends to give me an over all warm feeling from my head to my toes. Great for sleep. If I smoke this while hanging with people it makes me super giggly and chatty. Munchies come on slowly. But not a crazy munchie inducing strain. Won’t send you running to the kitchen to eat everything in it.


Holy crap! It was less then five minutes and I was yawning. I was worried about the Hybrid Cannatonic, since I’m a sensitive flower to anything stimulating, but I’m going to say the dominant Afghan Skunk took care of all those worries *L*. I picked up some Lazy Bee’s Remedy CBD in flower for. To me, it has a rich dark vegetable kind of smell. Really good and strong with a clear note. The smell finished off with a slight citrus smell. CBD level was 13% and THC 0.48. Don’t let that fool ya! I definitely felt the impact and am still feeling it more than an hour later. I feel very calm and sleepy. Maybe this will replace my all time (now extinct evidently) Pearl CBD by Panacea. It’s just too bad that the place that I found Remedy CBD in flower form was so far away from where I live. This definitely a curl-up-in-a-blanket-while-listening-to-rain strain.