Cinderella 99
This strain can be extremely powerful. I am pretty new to smoking, and this was the second strain I tried with some friends. I took only three strong bong hits, and the effects where nothing like I was expecting.
The high came on about 15 minutes after my first hit. My body felt loose and moving my head around felt fantastic. As I finished my last hit, I realized I smoked waaaay too much for my experience level. The best way to describe my high was as if the physical boundary of my body slowly erased itself. I felt as if I was melting into the sofa I was on, and that I was being reduced into a spiritual essence. When I stood up, I felt as if I was going to fly off the ground. Every step I took felt as if I was melting into the ground.
The closest sensation I could relate this too was being extremely drunk with the spins, except instead of feeling like death the next day I felt lethargic but actually really good. I can understand, after smoking this strain, how some ascribe a sacredness to cannabis. This is definitely a strain that can can be used to enhance mediation and spiritual practices.
Just make sure you are careful with this strain. It can be very powerful if you are not ready.