
member since 2017

Recent Reviews7 total


I feel like a cozy kitty cat sunbathing on the driveway😗 I never feel relaxed. I suffer from autism, PTSD, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more. I usually feel relaxed twice a year lol. I feel quite peaceful right now. Finally no longer crying and worrying. My thoughts are slow -- no longer racing. It's wonderful. I would highly suggest this for anyone who is very anxious, worried, manic or depressed. Might help with insomnia but I'm not sure (usually only ambien gets me to sleep nowadays). I have a high tolerance and didn't expect a few puffs to get me this relaxed! Damn :') (Dank Vapes - Gelato) (2.6V)

Jack Herer

I'd highly suggest making this your first smoke after a tolerance break. You'll be laughing, talking and having a great time. This is my wife's favorite strain, she calls it "my main man, Jack". When ever she smokes it and gets high, she'll say "I'm Tom Cruisin', man!", lol. And if you try Jack Herer, you'll be "Tom Cruisin'" too! 😂

Granddaddy Purple

Talking about this strain can make me slightly emotional. I know that sounds silly, but for someone who has been struggling with insomnia their entire life, I think i have the right to cry a few tears of joy over finally finding the cure. I have anxiety attacks just thinking about sleep, and I'm not very sure why... I guess because I know that I won't actually sleep? I really don't know. I used to lie in bed for hours, with intrusive, racing thoughts until I would just give up and turn on the TV. Holding down a job, or just having a decent life is impossible with chronic insomnia. Thankfully, vaping some of this before bed knocks me out. I've never been able to just pass out in front of the TV, or without tossing and turning for at least half an hour, but now I can 😁 I'm so happy!!!


My number one strain for my art work, hands down! I'm so much more creative, music is so immersive, colors are more vibrant, and life is so grand. I'd totally recommend smoking a ton of this at a concert or any time you want your mind drowning in wonderment and imagination.


Dare I say: "the perfect strain"?! My ideal night starts with me, vaping on some Skywalker to feel relaxed. Boy, does it make me feel gooood. I then make sweet love to my wife, because, damn does this strain turn a person on. Then I smoke some Grandaddy Purps to knock my hyper-ass out... When I first got this strain, I was somewhat disappointed because it wasn't the strain I wanted, but by the fifth hit, I knew why it was called "Skywalker". It has quickly become one of, if not my most favorite strain.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream with a high sativa to indica percentage gives me headaches and does nothing for me, But Blue Dream with a higher indica/sativa percentage, is a lot better. I don't think it's really given me a headache, but I kind of feel like I'm more likely (like I'm close to almost getting a headache, but haven't had one yet with the higher indica strain). It doesn't necessarily make me tired, but makes me feel quite relaxed and, sometimes, aroused. That's about it :)

Paris OG

Just tried this in vape form. The first hit made me cough like a motherfucker, and a few hits later, I found myself smiling. Unfortunately, the positive high came with a headache. Maybe it's the diesel scent, or just the strain in general. It was a strong head buzz, maybe too intense, and that's what made it worse. Maybe smoking this after a good night's rest, in bed, is the best way to go to avoid a headache. Fighting against an indica is a bad idea anyway lol.