
member since 2018

Recent Reviews1 total

Maui Wowie

I was offered the chance to try this strain by a 60 year old lady I met at a music festival. She was an artisan dog collar business owner visiting from Hawaii, and repeatedly assured me, "It's called Maui Wowie, and it's some good shit." I trusted her completely. We both had been waiting literally all day in the same spot near the front of the stage just to see Stevie Wonder, a top 5 favorite of mine, who was headlining that day. By the time she pulled her gear out, it was >90F, we were literally packed in by thousands upon thousands of people, but Stevie was up next. She shared her joint with me and this other middle-aged couple from Colorado, and it was a very wholesome experience. It only took 2 hits before I was off and away (pretty low tolerance at the time though). It was a pretty uncomfortable 30 minutes of waiting in >90F heat, packed in like a sardine, and very high, but I held it together thanks to my excitement to see Stevie and my relatively good spot along the front fence. Very, very little paranoia for such a heady high. Then the show started and I had one of the best 2 hours of my life. Stevie was obviously a large part of that, but the high complemented his show perfectly. It was super uplifting, happy, and energetic. Zero anxiety. I had no worries dancing in front of all those people. After the show was over, I was very much exhausted, but the after glow was very mellow and nice. I gave the Maui Wowie lady a hug thank you and went home.